Chapter 18

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Brees POV
It has been a few weeks since we got back from that trip to the mainland, things got pretty boring. Mr. Davenport has been obsessed with finding out how many bionics Y/n has, and Chase seems to have become more and more fond of her. I think we all know what's going on there. Just saying that I totally ship it...
They both seem to deny their feelings, Well, Y/n does anyway. I don't think Chase even bothers to hide it, we've all noticed that Chase hasn't been paying attention in his class because he's thinking about Y/n, drooling even, It's become a problem.

Right now, I'm in the main room with Adam and Sabastian. They're having some kind of debate on who the better singer is- Monaskin or Taylor Swift... Ahh- the old days... Taylor Swift Megga mix. I chuckled at my thoughts and turned back to the arguing boys.

"How can you like Taylor Swift?!" I heard Sabastian shout a little too loudly, Adam got up from his chair and towered over him. "Taylor Swift is my QUEEN! She will always be better than MoNaSkIn" Adam said hostility and tensed his muscles. I rolled my eyes as they both turned to me. "Bree, what do you think?" Sabastian asked with a quick flutter of his eyelashes. I folded my arms and raised an eyebrow as I popped a hip. Just before I could answer, Y/n and Chase walked in. I smirked and got an idea.

"Hey Guys!" I said with a friendly tone, they both turned to me, may I add that Y/n had a little blush spread across her cheeks.
"Hey Bree!" They both said in unison. Honestly, could they be any more alike.
"Wanna do something tonight?" I asked with a smirk. After a quick agreement from them I continued.
"Movies Tonight?" I fluttered my eye lashes and Y/n nodded.

"Sure, why not- one thing though... What's the movies?" I sighed and looked down a little and Chase raised and eye brow.
"Youll love it." He said with a smile and placed a hand on her shoulder. I nodded my head and went to book our movie tickets.

Y/ns POV

"I like you Y/n..."

Oh my god.


I know this is reallyyyyyyy short-
I haven't been very motivated recently and I have loads of Homework, so, just bare with me.

The elemental Bionic (Chase Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now