Halloween Part 2

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Bree's POV

Me and Leo were in our room when Perry came running in with her lips tightly pursed making a strange squealing sound.

"Dooley was right! The skull is cursed! Over the last hour I've had three near-fatal accidents! That's two more than my daily average!" She panicked while holding up the number 3 and then 2 with her fingers.

"OK, what are you talking about?" I asked while approaching the lady.

She then told me and Leo about her shattering shower, her blow dryer falling in her bath and her foot getting stuck in the garbage disposal.

"Why were you that determined to get clean?" I asked her, I've honestly had enough of this woman, she comes up with the most rediculous acts for attention.

She then proceeds to tell us about how shes like a lizard and that there is a Terry Cherry Perry skin layer in our sink... Lovely.

There was a low creaking noise and before I could question it, the ceiling fan fell above us smashing onto the floor.

"See! What did I tell you!" Perrys breathing began to quicken, Leos eyes were glued to where the fan fell from.

"Okay, okay, everyone just calm down. This is probably just a freakish coincidence. Nothing to be scared of. " I tryed, I really Tryed... Just when I had finished, the kitchen knifes from the table began to levetate and were hurled at Leo's head. He brought up the book he was holding and the Knifes plunged into it. Me and Perry screamed. My brother... Just Almost died, I really didn't know how to comprehend this situation. WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON?!

Leo starts to panic and explains that this was exactly like the movie, how Perry brought the curse to the island and now we are doomed.

Just then, fire shot out from the fire place, hitting Perrys hair. She screached as smoke rose from her head.

"My hairpiece!"

"OK, well, there you have it! The curse is real, and her hair... Is... Not."


We brought Adam and Y/n into the room to help us. We explained what had happened before, Leo called the Island 'Deathtrap Island' As Bob entered the room.

"OK so let me get this straight... Only the people who took the skull from the Island are cursed right?" Adam asked and Leo replied with a quick "Yes."

"Oh cool then Bob, Adam and I are good! Don't stand there Bob, bad things are gonna happen to them!" I cannot believe Y/n!

"You mean the knifes and the ceiling fan? Oh that wasn't a curse! That was Chase!" I could almost feel Y/n's feeling radiating off of her.

"What?" Is all she could say.

"Yeah, I saw him setting up his own house of terror! He used his magnetism app to control those knifes. I would've told you guys earlier, but I didnt want to ruin the surprise." Bob explained, I was at a loss for words. Why would Chase do that? He almost killed us!

Just then, Chase came running round the corner and leaped onto one of our big rocks. His skin was all pail and his eyes were blood red, he was holding the skull from earlier.

"Because I want to kill you!" His voice was deeper than usual, it couldn't of been Spike. Spike looks exactly like Chase, this... This was something else.

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