Chapter 13

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Y/n's POV
We all stepped out of the hydroloop and into the large city.  Crowds were formed everywhere, the rush of traffic filled my ears. Shops, buildings, and food carts surrounded me. I felt overwhelmed and small in this busy town. People of all shapes, sizes, ages, cultures, ethnicities, and colors hurried around, some in suits and some in sun hats and shorts. 

"Welcome to the city Y/n!" A cheery Bree said, my mouth was agape as my eyes searched the streets. 

"It seems..." 

"cool?" Bree tried to finish my sentence to failed.

"Scary..." I said and her smile faded a little, but it immediately went back up as she saw a hotdog cart and dragged me to it. I looked back to see the boys trudging behind us, Adam was looking around cautiously, Leo had his hands in his pockets to make him seem discreet, but Chase, he was watching me and Bree like a hawk, I don't really know why. All three caught up with us and Bree walked off to the cart to buy our food.

"Ok... What is up with you guys?" I asked the boys and they all snapped their heads to me as Bree walked back to us with five hotdogs.

"I don't know what you mean," Leo said in a deep voice as he looked around again and shoved his hands back in his pockets. Bree let out a sigh as she handed out the food.

"Guysssssss..." She whined and made puppy dog eyes at Adam and he let out a sigh.

"Well? What did you expect? You heard what the news said." He said and I was still left confused about the situation. I shrugged at Chace and he nodded before interrupting Adam.

"There were some... Attacks on younger girls here... um, w-we just want to protect you two." Chase looked down and I walked up to him, I put my hand on his shoulder and we made eye contact before I continued.

"You do realize that me and Bree are highly trained bionic heroes right?"  I looked back at Bree and walked over to her. The boys looked at each other and then at me. I raised an eyebrow and took a bite of my hot dog. Bree then led me to a park, there were trees surrounding the perimeter, dogs being walked by their owners, children running around after one another, There were benches lined up on either side of the pavement. We walked over to a bench and sat down.

We all finished our hot dogs and the 4 siblings decided where they were going to take me next. At first, I thought this would be a little overwhelming, but in all honesty, It's quite nice, to see normal people, you know, that aren't trying to abduct me or train me. They're all just... human.

"So... where are we going ne-" I was cut off by an older man, probably n his early 40s', He was quite overweight and had a big smile spread across his face. His stomach was hanging out of his shirt and it was covered in hair. There was a disgusting odor coming off of him, his face was greasy and his chin had some unpleasant stubble. We all froze as he approached us.

"Well hello there." He had a rich Texas accent and his teeth were so yellow it looked like he never brushed them.

"Can we help you?" Bree said, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it, I squeezed it back to signal that everything would be Ok.

"I couldn't help but notice how... attractive you two ladies are." His smirk widened as he took another step closer.

"Would you like to come back to my place?" He stretched out a hand and I jolted back, out of the corner of my eye I could see Chases' fist tighten.

"I would have to decline," The man cut me off and he grabbed my wrist and yanked on it so our faces were inches apart. I could smell his breath and I wanted to throw up.

"It wasn't a question!" I felt so helpless, why couldn't I fight him? I whipped my head around and slammed my eyes closed. Just then, I heard a growl followed by a groan.

"Get  your filthy hands off of her!" Came a deep voice from in front of me. I opened my eyes to see Chase punching the pervert in the face. But, something was wrong... This wasn't the Chase I knew. Adam rushed over and tried to pull Chase off of the beaten-up man. Bree and Leo rushed up to me and I felt the comfort of their hands on my arms. I was frozen, couldn't move. I have been through so many things with Krane that hurt my mental health, but this... This was one of the scariest moments of my life. Ringing came into my ears as water dripped from my eyes. My hands started to shake as I felt adrenaline flood inside me. Max was coming...

(833 words)

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