Chapter 7

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3 targets were placed infront of me as I moved my head from side to side, rolling my shoulders at the same time. I could feel Bree, Adam, Chase and Leo's eyes on me. I brought my leg up, holding my foot bringing it above my head, I did the same with the other leg. I spaced my legs out and made my left hand touch my right foot, doing the same with the other arm and leg.

"OK- OK! Y/n, I think that's enough stretching!" Chase butted in with his 3 friends following after him.

"I know, I know, but... I dont know what this feeling is! My stomach feels like it's beeing flipped around like pankakes. And it keeps like throbbing in a way! I hate it! Make it go awwwaaaaaay!" I whined tugging at chases white jacket. All 4 kids looked at me with a weird expression as Bree stepped up. She started rubbing my arms, standing infront of me.

"Sounds like you- are nervous!" Bree looked at me with a cheery smile. I've never been nervous before, I hate it! I looked at Chase one more time before I flicked my eyes back to Bree.

"Make it stooooop!" I whined again earning a chuckle from her this time.

"You know, the best way I got rid of butterflies is by-" I inturupted Leo by putting my finger up.

"when did Butterflies become a part of this?" I questioned the small boy as he continued hesitantly.

"Why don't we do some breathing first-" Yet another person intergected.

"That won't work- Hey Y/n! Hit me!" Bob came over and pushed Leo out of the way, standing infront of me with his arms spread out so he looked like a starfish. Without hesitation I punched Bob in the arm as lightly as I could.

"(1sr inital)... That wasn't your best, common' punch me! You know you want to! Common' punch me in the face, or better yet in the gut! It'll make you feel better! You know it." Bob encouraged me and just as I raised my fist Adam and Leo interjected.

"Why don't you hit Adam instead of your little brother?" Leo said tugging on Adam so he was infront of me.

"Ohhh! Yeah! Hit me!" Adam seemed a little too excited for this, and so, with a little hesitation, I punched Adam in the face making him stumble back a little. He looked... Hurt, emotionally.

"Owww! That was mean!" He said, holding his cheek while walking over to Bree with a pout on. My attention was snapped away to Mr. Davenport speaking up.

"OK, Y/n, we are here to test your abilitys. I would like you to start on Air, hit these targets with your breath wind blowy thing." I shrugged a little. This should be easy!

"-While they are flying around mindlessly in the air! You have 5 minutes, GO!" He continued as I hesitantly started to blast wind at the targets.

*OK, 2 down 1 to go!* I thought to myself as I turned around to see the last target zipping around at I would say, almost the same speed as Bree.

"3O SECONDS!" Davenport shouted as my hands started to shake. I blew on the last target clenching my eyes shut as I heard a clang. I slowly opened my eyes to see the target on the floor snapped in half.

"S-sorry..." Is all I could say while looking at the busted up, red and white board.

"Nahh, its fine. Big. D is a billionaire, he can afford a new drone." Leo said as I walked back to the others.

"Well done (1st inital)"

"Yeah congrats"

Is what I heard coming from Bree and Adam when Chase looked down at my hand and took it in his.

"Hey Y/n... Why is your hand shaking?"

"Shit... Spence!" I called over to my brother who immediately came over to me and looked into my eyes to calm me down.

"What's going on? Hey, is she OK?" Bree said trying to get our attention.

"Its her commando system. When she's put under stress or angered in any way her hand starts to shake showing signs of destress." Spencer said not taking his eyes off of mine as my breath quickened.

"Remember that time when I fell over and everyone was laughing at me, and you helped me up, and threatened everyone that you would rip their spines out if they kept laughing? And that time when you dissobayed Krane and you blamed it on Bob and Krane believed it?" I started to calm down, I could feel my heart beat slow down as Spencer let go of me.

"Mr. Davenport, can (1st inital) take 5?" Chase asked the man trying to set up the second task, he nodded and waved his hand not taking his eyes off of the students moving somthing on the floor. I was taken out of the room and into the lounge. Where I sat down and 5 pares of eyes we looking down on me.

I reassured them that I was fine as Davenport called from the other room for us to come back. As we walked through the door I was yanked back by none other than Chase Davenport.

"You sure you're going to be OK? When Spike comes out it usually takes a few minutes for me to calm down." I nodded and patted his hand that was now on my shoulder. We both smiled a little before we walked back into the training room for round 2.

(Not that kind of round 2 you horny mfs)

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