Chapter 5

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"OK Y/n! We all know that you haven't had the best start, but we are here to help you. I wouldnt think that we would have to introduce you to everyone so we can skip straight to training, Chase will be helping you personally due to the symilaritys in your bionics! You will be tested at the end of the day to determine your colour! Any questions?" Davenport babbles on, talking to me. Im standing in the middle of the training room, surrounded by my brothers and sisters. Bree, Adam and Chase are standing on either side of Mr Davenport, I shake my head as my response to his question.

Mr. Davenport claps his hands together as 2 groups are separated, Bree takes one and Adam takes the other, leaving Chase with me.

"So teach! What am I learning today?" I ask Chase cheerfully while hopping towards him. He just smiled at my actions and responded;

"You don't have to call me teach you know? Everyone calls me Chase around here." He chuckled a little as he spoke. I'm going to keep calling him teach... He's too humble to say it, but I know he likes it.

"And to awnser your question, you will be tested on your fire, air and water manipulation skills, so I would like you to show me what you've got first." He voice turns more serious as he steps away, making room for me to do my thing.

"Fire first please." He askes and I do as he says.

My eyes glow red along with the roots of my hair turning the same colour, making Chase jump a bit, attracting Mr. Davenports attention.
A small spark comes flying out of my finger tips giving me a sign to go further. I clap my hands together, twisting them a little, and then facing my palms out wards, and bending one elbow backwards so one arm is infront of the other, making shots of fire come from my hands (like a flame thrower) The colour drains from my eyes and hair as they go back to normal. I turn around to see Chase, Davenport, Bree and Leo looking at me in astonishment. Adam was just confused and the other students made it look like it was normal.

"Good?" I turn my attention to Chase who had his chin practically hitting the floor.

"T-that, I um- Er... Y-yes?" Was all he managed to spit out. Just then, Davenport butted in.

"So, it's not like small balls of fire that you shoot from your fingers? And I'm guessing that water and air are just as powerful?" He said, using his hands and arms to gesture how confused he was.

"That was the bare minimum, I could burn down about 1000 forests if you wanted me too, it could kill me, but... Yeah, and I can make a hurricane bigger than you've ever seen-" I trailed off thinking I was talking a little too much about myself and moved onto air.

Like before my hair and eyes turned silver as I sucked in the oxygen from the room before blowing it out of my lungs at multiple miles and hour, knocking over a kid in close range.

"Shit- sorry buddy!" I shouted as 2 older kids went and helped the one I had knocked over.

"How about water?" Chase continues. I look at him with a worried expression.

"You can do it Y/n, just imagine the amount of water you want to form, you are going to be fine. And if the same thing happens as Last night, I can just blast it again. Ok?" He reassured me in a calming tone. I let a long breath leave my mouth as my eyes and hair turned a beep shade of blue.

(1 thing, your eyes glow the colour it changed to, so if y/e/c is green or blue ect then just imagine they are glowing a deeper version of it x)

I stood up straight and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths and imagining a loop of water in my hands. I heard Chase gasp a little and let my eyes open.
To my astonishment, a loop of water was hovering above my hands, circling and curving around. I looked over at Chase, he had a smile across his face as he stared at the water as it died down. He ran over to me and pulled me into one of those hug thingys.

"I am so proud of you." He said in a sencere tone of voice. No one's ever said that they were proud of me. Chase let go and walked over to Davenport to talk for a little while. I tryed to comprehend what he had just said to me.

Bree walked towards me, seeing me completely frozen in place. She waved one hand in front of my face as I blinked away from my thoughts.

"You OK? What did Chase say?" She chuckled a little, expecting for me to say something.

"Bree... What does it mean when someone is... Proud of you?" Her smile dropped from her face as it turned into a sad expression, and there came another hug. I have a feeling I'm going to be getting a lot of those from now on.

(891 words)

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