Chapter 33

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Surprise! Heres another chapter! Get ready for the dramaaaaa

Songs in this chapter: My House and Monster by PVRIS

"Is Mila okay? What happened?" I ask frantically. Lauren rubs my back soothingly trying to calm me. "Let's not talk here with the press around, Dinah, join us back at our house okay?" Lauren says calmly. How can she be so calm? This is Camila! God I hope she's okay. What if she's hurt? Dinah nods and goes to her car, Lauren helps me into our car and my breathing picks up. My anxiety is going through the roof thinking about all the scenarios Camila could be in. "Baby" I hear Lauren say as she wraps me in her arms. "You gotta calm down for me, okay? I know it's hard but you gotta try. Camila is gonna be okay." She whispers to me while rubbing my arm. I focus on my breathing and try to calm down. We finally get to our house and Dinah is already there waiting. Lauren opens the door and I bolt inside and start pacing through the living room. Dinah and Lauren follow, Lauren takes Dinah's coat and hangs it up as Dinah walks towards me. "Smallz, working yourself up isn't going to do anything to help okay?" she says softly. I nod and try to calm myself. I take a deep breath and sit on the couch. "Okay. What happened to Camila, Dinah?" I ask taking a few deep breaths. Dinah sighs softly and starts playing with her fingers.

"Mila is in trouble. Her father is back." She says, looking at me. My heart sinks. No. No that can't be. He can't be back. "H-How? How is this possible?" I ask in a shaky voice. She sighs again. "Her mother let him back. She.. She forgave him for what he did and believes he's changed." She says. I feel the wind get knocked out of me. "Are you kidding me? Rapists don't change! How could she do this to Mila! To Sofi! Oh my god Sofi! He's gonna do it all over again!" I exclaim. Tears sting my eyes and Lauren is trying to calm me but nothing can calm me right now. "We have to save them." I state looking at Dinah. She nods. "I get that Ally but how? We can't just take Sofi out of her home. Camila we can get no problem but my main concern is Sofi." She says. I stand up and get my jacket and the keys.

"I don't care. We need to get them out of there. And if I have to, I'll do it myself. " I say as I walk out the door with them both calling after me. I'm coming for you Camila. I get in the car and turn the key. Before I can pull out of the driveway Lauren is there in the passenger seat and Dinah behind her. I look at both of them. "You're not doing this alone. We go save them together. " Dinah says and Lauren nods. "Okay" I breathe. "Let's go to Miami."

A Few Hours Later

We get to Miami and I'm instantly hit with the heat. God it's so hot here sometimes. We get off the plane and head to grab our bags and head out to the car. "So what's the plan?" Dinah asks once we're in the car. I look at Lauren. "Don't look at me missy. This was your idea." She says to me, I sigh. "First let's get Mila and see how she is, then we'll figure out how to get Sofi." I say and they both nod as Lauren starts to drive. Soon we arrive at Camila's house and there's police here. My heart hammers in my chest as we get closer. They look to be pulling a body out of the house and I almost scream hoping to god it's not Camila or Sofi. Lauren stops the car and I rush out. "CAMILA!! MILA WHERE ARE YOU?" I scream out as I push past cops and to the house. I enter the house and my heart stops. There's blood everywhere. Family photos broken on the ground, couch tossed up, it's a giant mess. I hear talking upstairs and I bolt for the stairs. "Camila!" I shout again, I see her bedroom door open and cops in there. I rush into the room and my eyes widen at my surroundings. More blood, her room is trashed. God what happened here. My eyes scan the room some more before they land on broken brown eyes. I sigh in relief. "Camila, Mila sweetie are you okay?" I ask as I squat down in front of her. She's covered in blood. She has a distant look in her eyes. Oh this poor girl.

"Miss, you can't be in here." I hear a cop say to me. I turn around and glare at the cop. "Piss off, I'm her sister." I state and look back at the fragile girl in front of me. I cup her face in my hands and make her look at me. Her eyes lock onto mine and she blinks. "A-Ally?" She stutters out. I nod my head. "Yeah sweetie, it's me. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I ask her. She just shakes her head and stares off again. I sigh and stand up turning to the cops. "What happened here?" I ask. "Well we're not quite sure, Miss Cabello here hasn't answered any questions." One cop states. I blink. "You actually think she's going to have any answers for you right now? Do you see her state! She needs to go to the fucking hospital and make sure she isn't hurt in any way!" I shout at them, they stutter back a bit and nod. "I understand ma'am. I'll get paramedics in here." one says and leaves the room. I look at the other cop. "Can you tell me anything about what happened here? Or are you that incompentent?" I ask folding my arms across my chest. He clears his throat. "Um, We believe this was all a case of self defense from what the little sister has told us. The father was beating on both Miss Cabello here and the mother. Until Miss Cabello snapped and hit the father over the head with a sharp object ruling him unresponsive." He says. My heart falls. Oh my god. I sigh deeply. "Okay, I saw a body being taken out of here when I arrived. Who was it?" I ask. "That would be the mother Mrs. Sinu Cabello. She was deemed dead when we arrived at the scene." He states. I feel the color drain from my face. Oh god. "A-and Camila witnessed the whole thing?" I ask. He nods. I feel light headed. Poor Camila. "Where um, Where was Sofi during all this?" I ask him. "Sofi Cabello was hiding in her room during everything but came out and saw some of what was happening from the stairs before returning to her room" He says. I sigh, running a hand through my hair. I look back at Camila to see tears in her eyes. This poor baby has been through so much already. "One last question, Is the father still alive?" I asked the officer. "Well We're not sure. He wasn't here when we arrived." He says, "What the fuck do you mean he wasn't here! You said he was unresponsive!" I exclaim. The paramedics arrive finally and go straight to Camila and help her. "Ma'am please calm down, We are doing everything we can to find him and arrest him." The officer says. "I'll calm down when you find the bastard that did this to my sister. You're done here goodbye." I state, he nods and quickly makes his way out of the room. I turn back to paramedics helping Camila and look at the poor girl. "Is she going to be okay?" I ask them. They look over at me and give me a sympathetic smile. "Physically yes, she just has some bruising but mentally I don't know. I definitely recommend getting her to a therapist." She says and I nod. "Thank you" I say to them and they nod before leaving.

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