Chapter 17

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This is such a late update so I decided to be nice for now😏


I groan as the sun hits my eyes. I slowly open my eyes and look around. I wasn’t in the hospital anymore. My eyes widen in horror. No. No Why am I still here? Lauren saved me! I shouldn’t be here! No. No this is all wrong! I’m suppose to be with Lauren. Safe and away from these terrible people. Why? Why am I still here? Please no. I can’t still be here. I can’t handle anymore of this! Please! Please let this be a nightmare! Please don’t be real life. Please.

I jump in the air and look towards my door as its slammed open. My eyes widen in delight. Lauren! Oh thank god. She stalks towards me and reaches behind her. I furrow my brows. What is she doing? My eyes widen in horror. She pulls out a gun and aims it at me. What is she doing! I try to speak but no words come out. She points the gun straight between my eyes. Tears sting my eyes as I look into hers. I furrow my brows as I look into her eyes. They’re not the emerald green I fell in love with. They were black, cold and dark. What is happening? No. This is just a dream. This isn’t real. I need to wake up. Please wake up! She cocks the gun and smirks evilly at me.

“Say goodnight you worthless faggot.” She snarls at me. The gun goes off and everything is black.

I jump awake and gasp for air in harsh breaths as my eyes go wide. There’s a constant beeping sound that is going rapid right now. Someone grabs my hand and my head snaps over to the person. Lauren. I look into her eyes and I sigh in relief. They’re emerald green. I’m with my Lauren. She strokes my arm softly and I look at her. She smiles softly but her eyes are full of concern. I don’t know what came over me but I grip the back of Lauren’s neck and pull her down to me and kiss her passionately. I sigh into the kiss as she kisses me back. She cups my cheek stroking the pad of her thumb over it and kisses me with such softness that I melt. She slowly pulls away and rests her forehead against mine. I look up at her and her eyes are still closed.

I stroke the back of her neck softly and her eyes open. Gorgeous emerald eyes staring back into my brown ones. She opens her mouth to speak but immediately closes it and pulls away from me as the doctor walks in. Worse timing Doc. Every time Lauren and I kiss we can never talk afterwards and we never bother speaking about it when we have the chance. I sigh as I watch her sit back in the chair next to my bed with a faint blush on her cheeks. The doctor starts talking but I block him out as I’m lost in the beauty that is Lauren Jauregui. I snap back to reality when she touches my hand and smiles at me. I look back at the doctor and he smiles as well.

I furrow my brow. What did I miss? I look at Lauren again with a confused look, she laughs softly. “Your parents and brother were arrested and were sentenced 10 years in prison for Domestic violence and kidnapping to the first degree.” She smiles stroking my hand. I smile in relief. “There’s even better news.” She says. I furrow my brow. “You get to come to Miami with me and stay with me.” She says. I smile and reach to wrap my arms around her. She gets up from the chair and hugs me. She kisses my head as the doctor asks for Lauren to sign my discharge.

She leaves me to sign me out and when she comes back she’s pushing a wheelchair. I look at her with an arched brow. She laughs. “I’m not pushing you out of the hospital in this thing don’t worry but I had to take one to your room.” She says as she walks over and gathers my stuff. She puts all of it in the backpack and then slings it over her shoulder. She walks back over to me and kisses my forehead. The nurse comes in and unhooks me from all the machines. She leaves with a smile and I smile back at her. My eyes widen and I gasp as Lauren scoops me up in her arms bridal style and walks out of the hospital room. I wrap my arms around her neck tightly as she carries me out of the hospital and to her car.

She opens the passenger side door and carefully places me in the seat. Once I’m settled in the seat she closes the door and walks over to the drivers side. I buckle my seatbelt as she closes the driver door and starts the car. She backs out of her parking spot and starts to drive. I look at her and smile. She glances over at me and smiles softly. She reaches across the center console and grabs my hand. I blush slightly as she picks up my hand and brings it to her lips kissing it. She strokes her thumb over my hand and continues to drive. “We’re going to head straight to the airport and go home, once we’re home I will take you shopping or you can just always wear my clothes even though they will be huge on you.” She says with a smile. I laugh and squeeze her hand. “I like that idea.” I say softly. My voice sounds so foreign to me but it makes Lauren stop the car and pull over for a second.

I look at her confused. She looks at me and cups my face in her hands. “Don’t ever stop talking and don’t ever stop singing okay? I love your voice and I always want to hear it.” She says. I smile with tears stinging my eyes. “Okay. I won’t stop. For you.” I say softly. She smiles and leans closer. “Good” She whispers. She closes the gap between us and kisses me softly. God I never want her to stop kissing me. She pulls away too fast for my liking and grabs my hand again. “Let’s get you home babe.” She says as she pulls back onto the road. I smile big and my heart melts. I love the sound of her calling me that.

Maybe everything will be okay. Maybe I’m not worthless. Maybe my life will turn around now.

So what did you think?

Will Ally's life turn around?

Will they ever talk about the kissing?

Comment what you think!

Stay Beautiful and Strong

Love Y'all

-Kisses Taylor

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