Chapter 13

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Please don't hate me😓

I stare at him. Why is he here? Shouldn’t he be in prison? God why? Why must he be here? “B-Brandon? What are you doing here?” I ask stuttering. “Mom and Dad wanted me to surprise you and to take you home.” He says grinning widely. My heart drops. My parents. They know what he did to me. They’re the ones who sent him away. So why on Earth is he out of jail and here? Is this their way of revenge? Because I’m in love with Lauren? They want to torture me? God. Please don’t tell me that’s the case. “W-Well okay then, but I’m going out with the girls to celebrate the this being the last show of the tour.” I say weakly trying to walk around him but I’m immediately pushed back. My back and head collide with the wall hard. I wince in pain and look up at my brother. “You’re not going out with them. You are coming home as of now. Mom and Dad’s orders.” He says harshly. I nod weakly. “I’ll get my stuff from the hotel and I’ll meet you in the lobby okay?” I say softly hoping he won’t hurt me.

He nods his head and walks off. I sigh in relief. I leave the venue and head back to the hotel. Once I get inside my hotel room I shut the door and go straight to the bathroom. The door is still broken from Lauren. I smile softly at the thought of her. Why did my parents bail my brother out? After everything he’s done to me? Hot tears stream down my face as I reach for my blade. I make as many cuts as I can and quickly clean up. I walk out of the bathroom and start to pack up my things. Once I’m finished I stare down at my suitcase. I’m terrified to go home. Suddenly the hotel room door busts open and Brandon is charging at me. He quickly grabs my bags and grips my wrist so tightly I start to scream. “Brandon let go! You’re hurting me!” I scream at him. He ignores me and continues you to drag me to the elevator. Not once does he let go of my wrist and the entire time I’m screaming for him to let go. Suddenly there’s pain in my cheek.

“Shut the fuck up before I do worse to you.” Brandon threatens me tightening his grip on my wrist. I whimper and bring my free hand to my cheek. The elevator dings and he drags me out to lobby. As he is dragging me out of the lobby my eyes lock with wide green eyes. She goes to walk towards us but I just shake my head as tears stream down my face. She stands there helpless watching me get dragged into a car by my brother. I mouth Tell the girls and help me to her and she nods her head watching the car pull away with sad eyes.

We arrived in San Antonio a week ago and it’s been terrible. My entire family is ashamed of me and have locked me in my bedroom so I don’t go out and meet any girls. They are disgusted by me. I now know why the bailed Brandon out of jail. My parents didn’t want to hit me so they bailed him out to do it for them. Three or four times a day he comes into my room and beats me till I’m unconscious. They found out about my cutting and that day Brandon beat me so bad he broke my leg which forced them to take me to the hospital and lie that I fell down the stairs. They’ve taken all my electronics away, they give me my phone if they are going out somewhere so they can make sure I am still in my room.

Right now my family is out having dinner with some friends leaving me in my room with my phone. I open my phone and check what the girls have been up to lately. Mani has been just chilling with her family in Houston, Dinah has been with her family and going to the beach, Mila has been doing everything with her little sister, and there is no activity from Lauren. I frown. What has she been up to? I check my messages and see a few from Dinah and Mani and a ton from Lauren. I click on Lauren’s name checking some of the messages.

Lolo: Ally are you okay?
Lolo: Why is he out of prison?
Lolo: Oh god, is this because I outed you to the media?
Lolo: Is this your parents revenge on you?
Lolo: God Ally I’m so fucking sorry
Lolo: I love you Ally, stay safe please, message me if you can, I miss you.

I smile softly at how she cares. I send her a quick text.

Me: I’m as good as I can be in this situation. I can’t tell you what’s going on over text because my parents will see it and everything will get worse. I need to get out of here Lo. I can’t be here. Help me please. I love and miss you too.

Almost instantly I get a reply.

Lolo: I’m getting you out of there.

Before I could reply I heard car doors slam and I quickly delete the conversation between Lauren and I and curl up on my dirty bed. I pretend to be asleep as my door is slammed open and Brandon storms in. He grabs my phone, leaves a doggie back on the floor and roughly starts to shake me. I open my eyes looking into his with fear.

“Time for your daily beating faggot.”

So... Yeah.. Not Troy😆

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Love y'all❤

Stay Beautiful and Strong✊

-Kisses Taylor

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