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I wanted to share this poem I just wrote with you guys.
Trigger warning there is talk about self harm. If you like this poem I have a poem book up that has all the poems I write.

Wish you could read her mind
Can anyone save her
Is anyone there
She thinks too much when she's alone
Can anyone hear her
No one knows what she's going through
Trying to hold on
Her demons are begging her to end it all
Constant fight in her mind
They're trying to hold her down
Strapped down
Drowning her
Can she ever escape
She's helpless
Trying to stay brave
No one realizes
Words hurt
Everything you've said
Crawling around under her skin
Haunting her dreams
Trying to hold on
Fear runs through her veins
Not of anyone
Fear of herself
Of her mind
Wishing she could let people in
How can she
When she doesn't even know what's wrong
So she stays silent
And lets her mind take over
No one sees what their actions do
Until its too late
No one sees the pain she's going through
Until its too late
No one sees all the pain hidden behind the mask
All the fear hidden behind a smile
Yeah she's made some mistakes
But why must they define her?
Why do others always use them against her
She's barely hanging on by a thread
Can't ever sleep
She breaks
Tears falling down her face
Blade in hand
She breathes
Presses the blade to her skin
And breathes a sigh of relief as the blood starts to surface
She thinks about just ending it all
End all the pain
All the thoughts
All the memories
She knows she's loved by many
She knows she's cared for
She knows she'll be missed
Thats the only thing stopping her
She cries harder
Wishing she could just end it all
Will anyone ever hear her cries
Will anyone ever see behind the mask
She's begging for someone to see it all
Before its too late

So yeah. If you enjoyed this poem there's more like this and some that aren't as dark in my poem book.

Love Y'all❤

Stay Beautiful and Strong✊

-Kisses Taylor

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