Chapter 2

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I apologize that this is so short but it's needed to be for the rest of this story!

Lauren and I are walking hand in hand to waffle house the next morning. "Thank you so much for coming with me to Waffle house Lo." I say smiling. Holding her hand feels right. It shouldn't feel right. "No problem AllyCat, I know how much you love Waffle House and I didn't want you to go alone plus I am hungry." She says opening the door to Waffle House and holding it open for me. I smile widely and thank her as I walk in. We sit down and look over the menu. A few minutes later the waiter comes over to take our orders. The whole time he's staring at me with lust and I shift uncomfortably in my seat. Lauren seems to notice and reaches over the table for my hand. I look up at her and smile softly. "What do you want to eat babe?" She asks emphasizing the word babe for the waiter to hear. I glance up at him and he flushes and stares at the floor. I order some pancakes and Lauren gets some waffles. Once the waiter is finished taking our order he scurries away. I look down at my lap. I then feel a hand squeeze mine and look up at Lauren. Her face shows nothing but love and concern. "Are you okay?" She asks rubbing her thumb over my hand lightly. I blush and nod my head. She continues to hold my hand until the food arrives. Once we are done eating the waiter comes back with our check and another piece of paper he hands over to me. I look at him confused and he just winks and walks off. I furrow my brow and look down at the piece of paper. I gasp lightly. It's his number. Oh my goodness. Why would he give me his number? Lauren looks at me confused and takes the paper from me to read it. Her brow furrows and she looks so cute when she's confused. I shake my head at the thought. Gosh Ally stop. Lauren pays the bill much to my protest and takes my hand in hers as I stand up. I notice her staring at the waiter the gave me his number and she then leans down and kisses my cheek wrapping her arm around me as we walk out of the restaurant. I choose to ignore the butterflies that are erupting in my stomach and once we are back to the bus I push Lauren away from me and start to walk towards the bunks, that is until she grabs my hand to spin me around. I look up into her concerned green eyes with anger in my brown ones. "What's wrong?" she asks. I have no idea what came over me. "Why did you do that? Act like we were a couple when that guy gave me his number? You know I'm not gay!" I exclaim anger bubbling inside of me. She looks at me shocked by my outburst with hurt in her eyes. "When he was staring at you, you looked uncomfortable and wanted him to stop. I was just trying to help you Ally. I know you're not gay, but I knew you felt uncomfortable and wanted him to stop so I did the first thing that came to my mind. I'm sorry if that had upset you." She says sadly. I frown. Why did I react that way? I never get angry. Especially not at Lauren. She looks like a kicked puppy. My heart clenches in guilt. I sigh. "I'm sorry Lo, I don't know what came over me." I say walking over to her and hugging her tightly. "I know you were just being a good friend and I go and yell at you for it. I'm sorry Lauren." I say as she leans down wrapping her arms around my waist. I kiss her cheek and tighten my hold on her. "It's okay Ally." She says. "Smallz, Lauser enough with the love, though you guys look cute as hell right now, we have to go to Glam." Dinah says walking out from the bunks and into the front of the bus. I pull away from Lauren blushing slightly. "I'm gonna go get Camz then, knowing that goofball she's watching One Direction videos in her bunk with headphones in." Lauren says and then retreats to the bunks. I sigh and follow Dinah out of the bus and to Glam. What is going on with me?

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I love y'all!

Stay Strong and Beautiful <3

-Kisses Taylor

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