Chapter 22

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Enjoy ;)

I wake up to hushed whispers and giggles. I try and ignore them and go back to sleep. Let me sleep. I haven't slept this good in so long. I’ve never been this comfortable. I cuddle closer to my source of blissful comfort and try and go back to dreamland. Just as I’m about to, I hear a click of a camera. My eyes shoot open and look in the direction I heard the noise. I stare at my three trouble making band mates. Camila hides behind Dinah, Normani is just trying to stop laughing, and DInah, Dinah looks like a deer caught in headlights with her phone out towards me as if she was taking a picture. I roll my eyes at them and cuddle back into the comfortness of my bed. I hear more clicks and just ignore it. I’m in complete bliss right now. I don’t have a care in the world. I feel movement under me and my brows furrow in confusion. What is moving? I peek my eyes open to see. My eyes then widen as I realize Lauren is under me holding me close to her. She moves in her sleep. She turns on her right side causing me to turn on my back as she buries her face in my chest. I run my fingers up and down her back to keep her asleep. I look back at the three girls still staring at us as they aw.

“What are you guys doing in here?” I ask quietly not wanting to wake up Lauren. I don’t know how she would react if she knew the girls saw us like this. She’s only ever true around me when it’s just us. When anyone else is around, I don’t really exist. She throws me through a loop all the time. “We wanted to know if you wanted anything in particular for breakfast, But I see you already found your breakfast.” Dinah says wiggling her eyebrows. Oh how I wish I could throw something at her. Thankfully, Camila and Normani both hit her, one on each arm. She flinches and looks at the both of them. “The nerve of you people.” She says. I smile. Things seem normal for now. I know it won’t last this way. But I’m definitely going to enjoy it while I still can. “To answer your question, pancakes and bacon is just fine.” I say smiling. Lauren moves slightly again and I look down at her. I smile wide at her sleeping form. God she’s so beautiful. I kiss her head softly and as I do I hear a few clicks of the camera. I smile in Laurens hair. I don’t mind the pictures, I’d love to have them for myself. I just don’t know how Lauren would react to them. I hear a few more clicks as I smile down at Lauren making sure she’s asleep. I look back at the girls, they all have knowing smiles on their faces. They love seeing me happy, even though my mind doesn’t believe that they care about me.

“Pancakes and bacon coming right up!” Dinah shouts. I flinch at her sudden loudness then glare at her because she possibly woke up Lauren. Speaking of Lauren, she starts moving and groans very puppy like. I continue running my fingers up and down her back hoping to coax her back to sleep. Unfortunately she doesn’t fall back asleep and is now blinking her eyes open as she cuddles even closer to me. More pictures are taken which really wake Lauren up. She looks over at the girls, her face contorting with confusion. She’s so cute in the mornings. She then looks at me and it seems like every other emotion she was feeling just floods away. She smiles wide at me as I look at her. “Hallo” She says in her cute little baby voice, her voice having a slight rasp due to just waking up. I swear I have died and gone to heaven. That had to be the cutest thing I have ever heard. Even more pictures are snapped. Lauren’s cheeks start to turn a light shade of pink and she buries her face in my neck. “Make them go away” She mumbles into my neck making me shiver slightly. I look at the girls and give them a look and they nod leaving the room.

“Breakfast will be ready in twenty minutes!” Dinah shouts as she leaves the room.  Once the girls leave my room Lauren starts giving my neck light kisses. I shiver at the contact. Will she stay like this with me now? No more ignoring me? No more hating me? Will I actually have my best friend back? I break out of my thoughts as she bites a little hard on my neck making me gasp. When she finally pulls back she looks at me with a cheesy grin on her face. I just shake my head at her. She is such a dork. I smile back at her and stare into her gorgeous eyes. I watch all the emotions run through her eyes. Her brows start to furrow and she’s looking at me with such a loving look it starts to terrify me. Before I can question why she’s looking at me like that, she leans in and kisses me softly. Her lips are so soft. I could kiss her all day and be content with life. She’s like a drug. A drug I’m addicted to and never want to stop. She makes everything seem okay. Like I’m not losing my mind. That I’m actually worth something. My thoughts break when she pulls back. I instantly miss the feeling of her lips on mine. She looks at me again and smiles.

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