Cha 9. Take me to your Lair

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Chloe Went home and said hello to her grandparents then had dinner with them again and talked about her ideas and shared it with her friends though her grandparents after for a little while she then went to the outside garden door an look at the night sky when she got her dishes done
And all.
During night time Rascal went to come an join her amazing view an chat for a while.
Rascal: Hey Breeze :)
Chloe: Oh Hey *Sigh*
Rascal: What's wrong?
Chloe: Nothing just bored because I'm tired a little.
Rascal: Oh I see.
Chloe: Ya Pretty much you seem anxious or something?! What seems to be the problem of you rascal?
Rascal: I'm not anxious I'm just bored like you.
Chloe: Oh right
Rascal: So Why are you always with your friends all the time ?
Chloe: Didn't I already told you yesterday?
I'm there friends I'm even the 5th person in the team of the glitter force Plus I'm glitter breeze anyway -_-
Rascal: Yes Yes that but why though?
Chloe: I'm all out of questions for you so Idk.
Rascal: I'm just thinking or checking anyways.
Chloe: Wait wait Hold up W-Were you spying on me?!
Rascal: No,Maybe,Y-ya
Chloe: WHY 😠 y-You could of gotten seen buy me and my friends and you of known of what there going to do to you!
Rascal: Hey at least I was not Seen!!!!
Chloe: Well since you're such a clever hider then well at least you're not caught or into trouble I'm sorry.
Rascal: I'm not a child Breeze I have powers -_-
Chloe: Listen I just want you safe rascal plz
Rascal: I can take care of myself you don't need to pressure yourself over me to worry?..
Chloe: I know now don't be like I'm your mommy or anything I'm just here to help and everyone at my school it's my job to help others in life.
Rascal: OH is that why they call you a helpful person an a smarter person like you're self !?.
Chloe: Yes like it matters to you.
Rascal: It does since I'm your enemy.
Chloe: Well you use to be?
Rascal: Ya since you put my story in a good name.
Chloe: Yes but actually I only did it to save your life buy helping you not to be against nogo of whatever
Rascal: Basically that's why you set me free from your nightmares and thinking I'm kind to you witch I'm not I'm evil and a nightmare to you.
Chloe: No you're not rascal you're love just for yourself and I can't really want you to be involve to my friends or they'll find you and?
Rascal: What are you saying Breeze?
Chloe: I'm saying that you can't be seen because if they know about this they'll try to kill you again.
But honestly they still think you're dead.
Rascal: Well if they know that I'm still dead but alive would they still know about me?
Chloe: Well Probably if you would shut up about it then they'll well not remember you.
Rascal: Well sorry princess I never noticed such pressure you have over you're friends and you're self.
Chloe: Yea maybe that could of consider you to understand 😒
Rascal: Well forgive me for asking breeze.
Chloe: It's okay

After Talking trough a little bit of chatting Rascal wanted to say something to Chloe like yesterday after blushing at a cure beauty like her but he still wants to keep it a secret to his self for a little while

Although he did ask her to maybe come up to his Shadow Realm for a second of over Arguing to his self towards Chloe over her friends to not see him though his day.

Rascal: Hey uh do-do you want to visit the shadow Realm with me ?
Chloe: OH You're seriously gonna let me to come with you there ?
Oh come on they won't let me in I'm not an evil person like you?!!
Rascal: No no it allows people to come like a human like you as long as you trust the house of despair over well all so you wanna come well just a little bit please.
Chloe: Ugh Fine take me to your liar as long as it's fast like a peaceful up there an not controled out there in the sky of darkness.
Rascal: Well I'll just take that as a compliment and so
OFF WE GO!!!!!!

He then picks her up an they both fly up in space outta the earth making Chloe afraid of living sky's witch are call Heights.

Chloe: OMG OMG OH MY LORD?!!!!
Rascal: Calm down you'll get use to it.
Chloe: Use You're CARDS I'll won't breathe!! 😱
Rascal: Calm Down where almost there.

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now