Cha 31. Trouble.

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Since of Chloe's beautiful magic gift giving it to Rascal in need, She noticed of how special he is other then his other friends towards not giving him anything including his childhood of insanity witch kinda made her worried an sad for it but! Things are different now with them,then they will fight to the end. Over trouble Rascal will still gets in lot of things without Chloe's permission or worse even letting him getting spotted but. people and her friends if he's not carful with it since he's like a sweet child towards Chloe in need of temptation. Rascal then wanted to put the cups away buy putting them on the counter to wash for who or someone wants to wash and dry them other than him. After that it was still dark like (8:00) or so. they've noticed that no one was out there over buy blena an also fang as well. Hmmm Maybe I should wake Chloe up just for safe.. Management of course an not be so Ignorant all the time he said. He then wakes Chloe up for re-check that if there safe or not,since he's still learning how to act human for a change. "Ugh What Rascal? She said to him in mean An tired form. Uhhh Hey Chloe I was just wondering why don't we go outside walking in the dark forest for a chance please?! He said towards her when getting up. Well alright since I'm not scared of dark forests when I was little. Wait you were scared when you were a kid? He noticed while looking at her confused. Well.. Yeah even for you to say. Witch that reminds me do you have any idea of what you were scared of as a kid perhaps? She ask when looking at him back. Not entirely as a child but.....? It's pretty much completely complicated so I don't really wanna talk about it. He said Okay~Chloe.

<Walks in the forest>

Even for there funny expressions on there faces when telling jokes an all that. they suddenly saw beautiful stars up in the sky when sitting together with there phones and taking some wonderful photos of the night sky. Soooo Chloe do you like it so far out here?~ Rascal. Why yes thanks for bringing me here to look at the beautiful night sky~ Chloe *When still being tired but very impressed.* My Pleasure Dear. And thanks for the gift. he said. eh it's nothing since you're not so bad after all.~Chloe.

Over looking at the stars towards each other Rascal noticed of how open he is with his passion an smiles towards her while so nice in standing up with the new bad guy, since it just started in time over 4 years in the story when still enemy's for such a long time. They've been hanging out for a little while however. Chloe didn't really wanted to still discuss about the issue out the new bad guys an even that dark light Phoenix egg in the Shadow Realm. since she's over it but not to talk about it to much with them but still. She also had a very nervous feeling that if they honestly know about her hiding something though them however. she's not doing this on purpose to hide it away form them. She's only doing it for his and also her sakes just for the best of over arguing for now.

It has been. "8 o,clock" over in her world. so she felt like she wanted to go back to bed an the middle of night but however she decided to just hang out with him for a little while, just to get him out more in need,since her friends are still chatting in the library of legends when texting her in the group chat on her iPhone after all. Soon as they were going on there phones, going on there photos, They've noticed of how much they been taking an laughing so they discussed to stop for a little bit. I see that you took to much photos I see.? he said towards her. Oh uh yeah I did she ask to him while giggling. After the nice talk over an over again the two suddenly seen a little red star up in the sky when spotting it when noticing that it gotten closer and closer while Approaching them.

Rascal: Wait What is that?!! *He Screamed*

Chloe: Huh I don't kinda know, but I'm not liking it.

Once talking about it. it quickly got quicker and quicker noticed it had beautiful sharp horns amazing smile,Totally red an had a tail, looking Straight at them form the distance when holding it's book.

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now