Cha 22. Please listen!

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Soon as Emily an candy went to alert their friends of this new recruit downtown she quickly calls her friends right after school and told him to hurry up and come back to her house once again for a Glitter Force Meeting like all times. I just hope that you come here early to discuss it man I'm so nervous soon as she said. candy went to calm her down when giving her hot coco treat for them since it's almost Halloween Time for all of them over the calendar date.

Emily's friends went to knock on Emily's door saying what's the problem towards her. She quickly grabbed all of her friends to come outside other than inside to talk about this new figure once again which made Kelsey Very annoyed by Emily's frightening experience of the new person.

Kelsey: Ugh not this again Emily you need to stop let it go already there is no bad guy or bad guys in our story what is wrong with you we've talked about this!!!? *Gets upset*

Chloe: Kelsey calm down there must be some Exclamation for Emily to explain once again?.

April: Yes Kelsey let's talk about this!!

Kelsey then turned over to April and Chloe over in a mean stupid face form at them While they were outside of Emily's house.

Kelsey: Stay out of this girls this is between me and Emily!! We met as friends the first!! Overthrew all she needs to bloody stop giving this advice an attention to us the third Freaking time!!!!

*She said over Lilly getting scared*

Emily: Stop it Kelsey an let me explain once again towards you and our friends, they need to know about this two chill ok.*She said at her being mad*

Kelsey then sat down on the ground very fast,putting her arms A crossed her chest while still upset over to the cooperation and even discussing it again.

(Emily's POV)
I sat down with the rest of my friends giving them compliments and to even calm Kelsey down so she wouldn't over exaggerates herself with me explaining once again. I then went to get something To drink right after my parents left An sat down discussing it with them.
Now guys I know you guys are still mad at me about talking about this evil person but me an candy Were attacked buy it. I said as the girls gasp with the terror In there faces. What?!!! As the girls said.
Kelsey: You can't be joking..... You're crazy Emily.!
(As I ignored her)
Lilly: Are you sure you've been attacked?
April: No No wait WHAT!!!!
Chloe: Are you sure you're telling the truth ?
As I turned to Chloe.
Emily: Yes Chloe it's true We saw him with-with are very own eyes Please listen guys I'm serious and honest.
Candy: I saw it two guys please agree with her.
Emily's friends: ...
Chloe: Well if Candy saw it then I'll believe her eventually?
Candy: If you girls don't believe her she caught some evidence towards it when fighting.
Emily's friends: REALLY!!!!!!
Emily: Yes!
April: Can we see ?
Emily: Of course.
I quickly then show them the evidence of the photo that I snap while my friends were Completely shocked by looking at it.
Kelsey Look behind herself and went to go see the photo that she has talked over it.
*Shows photo*
Emily's friends: AHHHHHHH WTH!!!
Lilly: He's soooo Creepy!!!!!
Emily: His name is FangKnight an that's Who was stopping me and candy while he was giving the story a bad experience,It's like the old bad guys like before when we give the story a happy ending when Defeating nogo and Rascal Friends, But that's just the beginning instead of that we killed nogo 3 year's ago so I'm guessing it's a problem for us to explain as princesses discussing it
which is now.
As I talk through them they certainly believe me now which when I was talking about this whole time when this Stocked me to my core.
Candy: Now do you believe her.!?
Kelsey: H-How is this p-possible I-I d-don't Believe it!! I-I'm Sorry Emily I don't know what to say I thought you were just playing around at school or something but now I definitely believe you now you were right and I was wrong forgive me.
Soon as Kelsey said sorry to me and to one of my friends as well I completely hugged her and said it's ok I'm happy an glad you believe me now I forgive you too and I shouldn't act like that either.
When we almost cried to each other.
Lilly: So w-what's going to happen now that we know about this new knight thing? I'm scared and he is more scarier than the other nightmares that we defeated,plus which is speaking to me does he throw Buffons to...!?
Once Lily told me that,I immediately said
Emily: Yes he's a lot like that but different,he throws different Buffons but very very dark ones, but Luckily we are Warrior princesses now we are more powerful than ever besides what can possibly go wrong,there is only one evil recruit
that's all.

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now