Cha 39. The Ture Story.

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(Rascal's Dream POV)
When dreaming in my darkest despair I imagine something very horrible in my life when being controlled buy my masters plans. But turns out he didn't even wanted me anymore. Witch it was a good thing since it's been a few Years and mouths buy Chloe setting me free buy her touching storys in life since she's very smart. When I dream buy sleeping in her bed. I suddenly saw myself in the mirror of in shame of what I've become in the darkness of a joker but I don't care about who I look. what I care is my personally an destiny and also my decisions of  defeating the glitter force or maybe helping them?  who knows but I'll have to wait an see on that topic. The mirror suddenly vanish into glass when I suddenly went stepping back a few feet buy my side when getting creepy out. When getting creeped out I've suddenly noticed that I was still in the despair though out talking to the glitter force buy the town buy there queen. That wasn't me who said those terrible things to them! it was nogo who controlled me to say those ironic but ignorant and selfish things to them buy his plans giving me such a hard time like the shadow glitter force that he has gave to me when he mine controlled even for me. Now that he's gone I don't feel less evil anymore in fact a Warrior in the glitter forces path and also destroying the evil in our paths even for glitter Breeze as well. And I know what she has done when setting me free and taking care of me buy the next generation of the path but her friends will understand,support it and trust it except for Sunny she's such a pain sometimes and annoying buy her friends, but I'm sure she'll get use to it when fighting along within me. When thinking about it i suddenly get nightmares again and seeing that I saw my shadow Realm up in the purple clouds despair once again. once seeing it. It was a trap when it vanished into clouds but my cards in the darkest despair.
"What's going on I" remarked. When dreaming the night sky came upon the light in my dreams but it wasn't even light in my dreams however still dark. while thinking through this dream. i suddenly heard big giant steps coming towards me while glaring to see what it was turns out it wasn't my dream balls or Buffons doing this, it was something else.
"What is that!" I said "Stay away from me!!!!  I had so much yellow on it and had no arms or legs but goo with a mouth with one eye over in need. It didn't seem to come a plan but when looking. I saw more then one coming to kill me when being scared the colors were different. It had the colors of the exalted same as the glitter force colors. Blue,green,Orange pink and yellow in my dreams and they also had horns on all of them and was at least 30 feet tall willing to come near me in vicious form.
When I forgot to say the rest of my sentence I completely when in shock that the five goo monster came closer and closer but almost 5 ft of space. Once saying that. it suddenly shouted completely in my ear over me sitting down on my knees when begging it to stop. "You are not" It said towards me.
"YOU ARE YOU,GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" I said back. "You're such a joke" What complains do you not understand you are so weak like you're childhood and also towards you're enemy of,the one called glitter breeze In you're hiding desires and so as the rest to the glitter force It said towards me without any complain or emotions and no feelings towards me within still on my knees buy the goo monsters, struggling in pain to ask to stop but refuse. "You are so weak" Even for yourself an also you're glitter force that you call friends. It said at me.  You will never be apart of our Inspiration in battle HAHAHA it said in gross laugh. go away,go away,GO AWAY!!!! I said when using my powers killing a few of the goo monsters but it suddenly regrew itself out of misery. When they all regrew they all Combined to each-other holding me in the goo palm of the there hands of despair in his dreams.
(Holding in goo arms) HELP I said in scream form. "HELP ME CHLOE!!!!!" "No one will help you now joker only me is powerful then ever in the path of nogos command and I will make a great desire towards him in need. and for you,you are nothing in your path over insanity. Once hearing his voice It suddenly sounds so familiar when defeating me in the lighting of clouds. It was fangknight looking at me in the lurking shadows buy the gooy monsters. it wasn't just him who was around. It was the hole new generations of nogos religions in the darkest flesh. Hahaha Blenabutterfly laughed. And same as SillyGarden an TricksDemon."You will parish joker" they all said. (STAY BACK!)
Oh how Dreadful haha fangknight asked. You will die of nothing hahaha!!! "AHHHHHHH" I said in pain without used wake up wake up, WAKE UP!!
(Goos monsters kill him, turning him into goo.)

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now