Cha 49. A New Journey.

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After the others including the pixies turn Rascals friends back two normal. They found out that they would still be hating on him over of what he did over the years, when returning of it over Chloe and her friends. But things will work out for the better on the situation. "Hey guys we're outside." Rihanna Said to all of them. His friends didn't liked them in a way, so they've decided two go on there separate ways and thinking that they could trust him for the better. Chloe and her friends are a little bit scared, but they know on how two fix it and be very or highly brave in there command. (If Needed)

(His friends went being separate for a little while.)

(They were still in jubiland.)

Emily discussed it to herself and same as the others on how are they were going two fix Chloe's mistake. Emily looked back two Rascals Friends and calmly looked at them with a confused face and looked back when looking at ulric in shame. "So how are we going two fix this.?" Kelsey Said. "We just need two give it a little while buy Rascals Friends two calm down over the new bad guys." April Said.
"You know ,This actually scares me."Lilly asked. Afternoon in jubiland. Rascal sat next to Chloe and told to himself that this very moment that they will trust him for the better for over 4 years.

(Rascals Friends sat buy the rocks.)
(Buy the small river.)

"So? how long have we've been two jubiland?"
Brooha Said. "Maybe absolutely, about 4 Years probably." Ulric Said. "This is stupid and clearly not right, we can't trust him and the Others For-instants."Brute Said. "Witch is why they've came all this way for you." As Rihanna said. "What do you mean pixie.?" Ulric answer, looking down. "Because they need your help Since I've obviously known." "How? an plus, He looks so different.?" Brooha Said looking at him with the Glitter Force. As Rihanna Completely answered Them and sighs. "Because there's new bad guys in the story and that's why Rascal came here two save you guys while Bringing the girls also.

"Why do we need him and the Glitter Force??"
Ulric Completely complained. "Because it's urgent, and you also got two trust the girls two because they understand, they understand about loyalty and friendship in there paths. And you have two except it, and there's know other way." As Rihanna ask it over buy Candy towards them. "How do we know when two trust you guys.!!??" Brute Said calmly.
You need two wait for the time two be right. and Believe me, I've been searching an searching for answers for it, an same two the joker. And they even told me about Glitter Breezes mess up Because she Wished him to the flesh, she did made a fool of herself, but we can all forgive of what she did or done.

(Well this pixie knows everything)
Ulric said in his mind.
"Well I Suppose you're right. But we're not buying it"
Ulric Said.

"An we didn't know that The Breeze girl Wished Rascal back to life feel or something Brooha Said

"Uh, yeah? How can that be true??" Brute Ask.

You just Got two Believe them. And they speak the truth over in someone's life over what people been through. "You could or can at least trust them."
Rihanna Said while the rest talked over about Rascal. (Still outside of Jubiland.)  They look above him with the Glitter Force, Talking. Then suddenly looked back down at them. "So? you're Telling us that you want us two trust you Pixie's.?!" They all said over two there evil grins on their faces while going near the pixies. "That's Truly right!" Candy said looking at them and going near Rihanna.

Ulric Then Sighs When looking back up at the Glitter Force again and asking outside, angry but nicely and calm on the inside. "Okay Will Trust Him. For now if he does something sneaky and weird or if it's one of his tricks. As he turn and talked it over two the rest if they can highly (HIGHLY.) Trust him.

(The pixies Gave them a break.)

(They talk it over.)

"Soooo? WHAT DO WE DO?" Brooha Said when going back two her old self.

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now