Cha 18. Explain 

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One over the other pop noticed that he was in the middle of town when seeing Chloe practicing while flying though the magic Book.
Sorry about that Chloe I had a big oopses of riding my book in the middle of your practice he said
Oh that's quite alright pop,It's been a year buy seeing you but can I ask what are you doing here ?
I've came to tell you about something it's important
I've told Emily that she wanted you to come to her house to discuss something serious she told me to say that to you in a Harry he said in a serious situation.

Evan saying that it's important Chloe was confused an shock an worried that if it's about the city's being in danger or they were thinking that Rascal was still alive out there in the dispair of death,but until then Chloe Kept it a secret.
W-why does she want me to come ?
Because it's important now come with me.
Alright *Gulp*

Chloe & Pop went over to Emily's house for a little while over buy 5:00

Emily: Great you got Chloe just in time come in come in!!

Chloe suddenly saw her three friends in Emily's room and discussed of what happened.

Kelsey: Hey Chloe
Lilly: Hello :)
April: Hey
Candy: HAI
Emily: Alright guys we all need to talk.
Pop: Indeed

(Chloe's POV)
Noticed how I was confused an scared of the group an Discussed of what happened. I immediately explain to them of what was going on however I was too late to talk because they were talking first.
Emily: OK guys so You guys are probably wondering why I called and pop Coming to get you all. Since all of us had a problem after the year of nogos death
She said as Chloe was trying to not get scared and over exaggerating over the conversation.
Emily: Since the three pixies of Ulric,brute&brooha
We're gone an also save in jubiland,But I have one condition to make. 
Now to make this clear we hardly never know about Rascal's Death an about a year of us being the glitter force but I suggest that it's something to do with nogo since of the hole town I think.
Kelsey: What !? You can't be suggesting that rascal's still alive out there!?!?!?
Lilly: YEAH!?
April: So you just told us that,to just give us a speech?! About are enemies?!
Emily: Well not exactly.
Emily: There is a new evil person in this world not only other then the old bad guys but different
Emily then told us about her story of these new recruits in the story of a new chapter of our world and ending basically Its like Lily's drawling in the same thing as the new evil person. 
I suddenly get scared a carried away of Emily's speech but instead there was only one that she was explaining about towards us but since that they weren't talking about rascal it should be fine I hope....
Emily: The new evil person had gray skin blue eyes sharp claws,black hair an four arms.
Lilly: h-How is this p-possible!!
April: Emily there is no bad person in our chapter how would there be more?!
Emily: It's fine if you guys don't Believe me but please do I saw him but I clearly forgot to take a picture of this new figure in our town so be cautious
To someone who sees him.
Kelsey: Now Now, Emily idk what your Brian has been going on through your head of yours but since that your telling us this will except it,But if you're wrong we can't expect it.
Lilly: Although if you're right I agree with Kelsey.
April: Very true an I also agree with Kelsey
Chloe: Yes I'll expect it two.
Emily: Alright Thank you ok discussing over let's have some tea.
Soon as Emily's conversation was over pop and candy went in a different room and played with each other while talking since pop didn't had anything to do in jubiland today.
Hey girls sorry we were playing in the toy room with her actually.anyways how's it going?
It's all good said Emily Since that we had a big available question or discussion it was OK since I told you to get all the girls pop :)
Yeah since you've ask Emily XD
Kelsey : Good!
Lilly : Good Hehe
Chloe : Great 👍🏼
April : Amazing
Candy: look what pop did to my hair!!
Emily: Awww Soo cute. ❤️❤️
Pop: Ehhehe THX and you're welcome Candy. And Emily can I talk to you please in private.
Emily: Sure
Soon as Emily an pop went in a different room to talk about this new evil person in our story I discussed it to myself about it,That's confusing
h-how would there be new bad guys in our story that is ridiculous an clearly does not make any sense the story was supposed to be only the same bad guys, only one of them in the story but if Emily is clearly telling the truth then I'll sincerely Believe her if not then I'll have to agree with Kelsey in this one.

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now