Cha 52. This is Destiny.

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Soon as they the sun was rising all of the others went down Downstairs and ate breakfast. Once All 4 of them did that, they finally had a Chance to call there Friends and The others. Emily's mother was so happy That she and her friend Chloe has some New Friends From Once Looking for the second time. "Wow.?!? You guys Came in Such a Rush." Emily's Mother said. "Don't worry about it So Much Mom." As Emily Confronted her same for the others. Rascal an Ulric we're clearly Clam that while eating and Going on a Conversation and watching TV. Chloe Wanted to go on her phone an Texted the others an Says onto how we're they doing while Hiding away from the New bad guys in the story. Emily Didn't Had the Time because she had her phone on the charger. Many of them stayed silent an just Played chess for a Little while. But the boys were and the girls Went on there Phones, well one of them. Emily was reading a Book Just a Little bit an Calmly stayed Silent While Emily's Mother pulled them buy a Serious surprise. "Say How are you guys Doing, an How's The Food.?"
As Emily's Mother Looked at her an Same to Chloe and the boys Went an Still Played Chest an Watching Tv. It's was Good an Great thanks Mom." Emily's Dad was Busy For a while soon He will be Back For the Next few Months. After that Her mother Went To Wash the Dishes an letting Emily dry them just for her. Ulric an Rascal Where Still playing chest but one of them caught there eye Until looking at that The Girls an See of what They Were Doing. After when they were done, they Went an Talked with the Others an Onto how they were doing. While Chloe was Chatting with the others. Hey Guys, What are you Guys Up To This Time. Rascal Said. Yeah We were wo of what you girls As Ulric said When agreeing with The Jester. "Oh us.? Yes We we're just Chatting our Friends over on What Time that they Wanted Hang an Meet as well." As Chloe Said. "Indeed Chloe, witch is why they will Respond Later Right around. And will be really ready with what we Got Until when the new Generation Comes an Returns." As Emily said. Putting her hand on her Face, Thinking. Well, least we're just Spitting Towards the truth well, thankfully." Ulric said When he an Rascal looks at them An Nods. "So What time are we Going To Meet them, may I Ask.?" He Said Looking on the Phone right next to Chloe. "You gotta give us a Moment so that they can find out since we Clearly Have made a Big Difference between our chat and I've Made a Big Group chat." Chloe Said to Rascal an Ulric still In human From Lookimg onto what Emily was doing. (She was Drinking her coffee When All done Thinking.) "Say Have you Ever Drank coffee Ulric.?" She said to him." Not that I'm Aware of." As He Looked at her with a Shock an Quite a weird face act. "Oh would you like some.? Emily question. (Ulric Shooks His Head Side to Side when allowing Emily to give him black coffee or coffee with Creamer.) "No, No Im Good?!."as He Back Away From 2 Steps Buy the counter. (Chloe And Rascal we're Right Near them When Chatting the Others.) "Oh Come on Ulric it Won't hurt you, you Know.?" As she Told him while He Grew in shock From her assisting Coffee to him. He then Takes a Deep Breath then Finally decided to drink the coffee just to make her Stop Giving Her Puppy Eyes at him, since he is a Wolf after all. "Fine.....Give Me That." As he Completely confronted her A Little bit Meanly but Ok. (He Starts Blushing.) (As Emily an Also Candy gave Him Not Puppy Eyes, but Star Eyes. He Drinks it An it was Not all that back but Pretty Hot. "OW OW Emily it's Hot.!?" He Said Once Rascal an Chloe Looked at them an Being jump-scared but his Yelling of the Coffee. "Oops!" As Candy said. Are you okay there Ulric.? Rascal Said. "Yes, Yes I'm Fine. it's Was just a Little hot. "Oh Alright." (As They Turn Back an Texting the other still.) You could At least gave me a Warning next time Emily. "Oops Sorry, maybe I Will Next time, Here, let me give you Coffee with Creamer. Then Takes The Mug From Ulrics Hand and Restarts the Machine. An Candy Jump of of Emily's shoulder for a little bit and heals up him just For Nice Things an accidents. "Are you ok Wolf.?" She Said to him when still in his Human From but good thing that it Wasn't to hot or else the Gem on him still, Would pop off. "Yes I'm Fine Candy thank you." He said with forgiveness. An Candy Jumps Right Back onto Emily an She Gave him a New Bach of coffee with creamer. "Yummy an Finally That you Lucky." He Said again. "No, No. it's my Pleasure, you Don't have to thank me all the time. An Please, Called me Emily." As She Shakes his Hand offering Goodness an Kindness to Him. Ok Emily. As Hey Both Drank together. Emily's Mother just came back from grocery shopping once again and finally let her daughter to help her with the groceries and same to the others. Well Mom you sure have a lot of groceries there. Yeah Haha an Thanks for Your Guys Help on helping me. She Said. It's a Pleasure Chloe Said an Rascal and Ulric Agreed while on thanking her for the help. After that. They finally suggested on what they where Going to do. Since it's morning they finally had the courage to go including the other Onto fighting the Next generation. "Hey Mom, Will Be Off For a Little While." Oh Where are you guys off to. As Her Mother said to Emily Ulric finally wanted to say something a Little bit Mean But However didn't Since of Emily cut him off an Covering his Mouth.
While madam I'm sure that it's None of Your- (Emily Covers mouth.) where Going To see our Friends an Hangout . She Said while Chloe An Rascal were in front hearing it Out. Oh, that's Quite Lovely. Have fun you guys." (Emily Uncovers his Mouth an They all left.)

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