Cha 27. Communication.

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(Chloe's POV)
Me an Rascal were walking towards this new figure around the fall during out walking. She then woke up leading us very confused over her huge butterfly wings over buy the distance. Ugh, I'm sorry who are you? the butterfly lady said. Uhh we are just walking I said, And who are you may I ask..?! Well Allow me the introduce myself I'm "blenabutterfly" You're worse nightmare ,Over though all you two clearly interrupted my sleep along with your silly walking around the land perhaps haha. Noticed how she said that made me and him confused,however her evilness on what she's going to plan. We both were very vicious of her since of the first bad guy that attacked me an Emily about a few days ago. Oh.! well I see that you have someone buy your side or should I say the old villain form 4 years ago is that what I'm suggesting? Noticed over buy her voice she looked at him leading him confused in his style over serving his master for such a long time ago,however Chloe made him a kind,through her story towards his. Why are you just standing there old bad guy that betrayed nogo and making a fool of yourself she said made Rascal walking a few feet back right next to Me. Lady idk who you are Since My lessons and feelings have changed and you shouldn't be real w-why is this Happening" he said. Oh but it's already happened plus idk why you would hang out with this Wired blue girl along but us new bad guys are taking responsible controls of the act of nogo hahaha I can't even. When saying once that she thinks that I'm ordinary, I quickly got upset then decided to spit it out in anger while getting in front of Rascal. Uh what are you doing she said while still sitting on the tree.
Chloe: I am not a wired girl you butterfly girl,my names glitter breeze and I lived here with all my friends around the world and if they were here they would fight you to the Death. I said when she reacted. Oh so you're Glitter Breeze dear? Oh"my mistake" I didn't know you were with him, With an old enemy I should say,that doesn't belong here,Plus I even saw the Pressure of all you fighting our first enemy Fangknight. When answering that Rascal notice of how he heard that name like before of what I said, Wait so she knows fang oh my goodness so t-this is real , there really is a new chapter in the book after all. He said when Blenabutterfly went out of the tree over saying. MHM indeed,Since you guys thought we were not real but nogo gave us life over Second with such the evil and Worth serving him once again. I was clearly scared the first time with Emily but now I'm even more scared then before. Alright Enough Chatting since the old bad guys like Rascal of being in second in command was over an now he's your friend,Now Time to give the wheel of doomed a spin and this story more painful than it was before!!!

Blena then opend her book while putting her ink red black blood on her book then Erased the hole sky,turning into black butterfly's with pink and purple. I'll be even sure to raise the whole people with butterflies when putting them to sleep or something else and even to revealed my master emperor nogo once again!!!!

(Clock Strike. (2/12)

*Rascal's mind*
He use to be my master but now he's making new characters to reveal him truly.

They both had a very scared reaction on there faces when stepping back a few spaces up against the second villain giving the story a terrible ending.

Chloe then transform into breeze while Rascal stayed behind buy standing behind the trees when staring at the monster of blenabutterflys evil curse over revealing his master once again. He didn't know what to do then to just stayed next to he tree an acted surprised but very scared the less, Since he's still has his powers but doesn't really wanna use them around Chloe's kindness for such a long time over through all,he'll try to be brave next time just in case if he changes his mind over helping people and even Chloe.

Chloe then became breeze after transforming in at "least 20 minutes"then was ready for more then before. Oh you guys just don't know how to quick do you, Anyways Dark Buffon Come on down!!!! She said when it vanished in the between the two trees next to the middle of the park.
It said. when getting ready to fight towards her while putting her ice sword,getting ready to strike at it like in the library of legends with Rascal.
Remember what I told you Chloe. he said
Ok she should. I'll let you know to come an help for instance in need. Buffoon crush her apart!!!"
(Buffon ok it said) (20 foot tall Buffon)
Chloe then had a little bit of trouble over standing her sword when all of the sudden her sword was melted like before but in like 10 seconds because of blenas powers were honestly to powerful for her in battle. Rascal then had enough,then went in front of her when almost getting hit buy the Tree Buffon.
I WILL NOT LET YOU HURT HER!! he yelled (Buffon?) Huh ? Are you seriously just Going to protect her like that when being stupid, get outta the way an let the Buffon hurt her instead besides it's not going to listen to you anymore. She snapped when giving Chloe a hard time getting up.
She gave my life an giving me another chance in need to also not being a threat over when being evil. I use to be evil but now that my friends are gone I have nothing else to do then to just not to be apart of this an continue on of what I've done Between the world of were I live,since I'm still an Enemy and I maybe am a enemy for such a long time,but now my mind has changed I will never join you along with you or you're other bad guys toward my desires when fighting with Breeze. He said
r-Rascal? Chloe said with forgiveness and truth.

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now