Cha 25. Halloween Time.

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Chloe then got up on Rascal shoulder to get ready for Halloween time, She was wearing a beautiful blue dress with purple shoes and a crown while putting her hair up in a bun. Rascal was still asleep when Chloe got all her costume all set she decided to leave her phone on her to give to him an used her iPod for now since she has been using it for a while at school. She open the door in front of her after Setting her iPhone down in made an Account for him to text her just in case if anything goes wrong an not be attach by her friends. I'll see ya later Rascal she said when entering the door.

Emily an then the others also got dressed for the Halloween time at school during the storm was over but instead it was still raining out however Chloe's got an umbrella to sort her style in Halloween celebration.

Emily: Oh Chloe over here!! she said
Lilly: Chloe I love your Costume!!
Chloe: Oh love all you're guys costumes what are you guys supposed to be. She said in weird way's.
Emily: Oh I'm an angel
Lilly: a Witch.
April: A Dragons!!
Kelsey: PJS With volleyball style hehe!
Chloe: Sweet ima Princess!!

Emily and her friends went to school to say hello to their friends around peoples favorite holiday with their classmates and teachers giving out some candy an everything on evening. They want to sit down to discuss of what happened yesterday.

Emily: Chloe,friends I know we all got on the wrong crack yesterday about the enemy in our book of legends but well all still need to set this out towards ourselves but we can at least have a wonderful time together in Halloween Glitter Force!!!
Chloe: Hey Yeah good idea.
April: Agreed!!
Lilly: Very much show!!
Kelsey: Exactly!!
Candy: YEAH!!
We then ate candy together to have a great time in class towards each other when talking,we shared an more when all of the sudden Chloe's classmates went to say hi then took her to hang out with them, her friends certainly don't mind about it then decided to chat when eating Halloween Candy And To even keep candy hidden with other people in class.
Classmates: Chloe Come we wanna hang out with you.
Chloe: Okay then she said in confused way.


Chloe Heard her iPod go off she Pick it up to noticed Rascal calling her witch is a available number an not let anybody know about it. She went to tell her classmates that she needs to go to the bathroom one second while her classmates agreed her and said ok. Chloe answered him and said that are you in school and oh happy Halloween She then told him yes then greeted him talking While calling her.

Chloe: Could I Call you back I'm with my friends an also my classmates as well Plus I made an account for you so you could call me whenever you like but not right now because I'm busy and you'll never know that they would listen.

She said. when talking to him in the bathroom.

He then said ok then hang up after saying hope you have a good time my dear. Over her being blushed then put her iPod in her pocket.

Chloe: Hey guys I'm back from the bathroom ready to hang out for a little while.

Class mates: Yes!!! We're ready!!!


Chloe Got all done with her classmates then went to hang out with her other friends outside while still raining, after class Emily and her friends went on a walk on Halloween day to go a little trick of treating a bit while putting there umbrellas up on a rainy day.
Buy guys happy Halloween said the teacher Emily then said Bye back while The teacher told them that you'll have 3 weeks off since it's Halloween time see you guy next week happy halloween she said.

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now