Cha 45. Morning Time.

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It was finally morning, one minute over a few hours Chloe's alarm went off then got ready for her okay day as Usual. Rascal was still asleep, so she decided to let him sleep for a little while. she will wake him up last when she wakes up the girls first. She gotten all dressed up for at least five minutes then brush her beautiful soft glowing blue hair as she when brushing her teeth after. Chloe then went back downstairs to wake the girls up for the day to hang out and same to the joker. If it's safe. Winter was still out there. But they realize that they didn't care for much.

Chloe's POV
I wanted to go downstairs for a little while to wake up my friends for our winter day that we're having, including Rascal. But I'm sure things will work out as always or usual. It was still cloudy and still winter out. But for me I don't really Care about the seasons that much, except for spring. Spring doesn't Suit my style because of the big Sunny Spotlight and other things. But it's fine. I'd went to make some breakfast for a little bit for all of the girls. So that way we can all still Active onto what we're doing. I didn't wanted to wake them up right now since I'm pretty much busy cooking for them for a little sec.

*Chloe Cooking for 25 minutes.*

Emily and the others heard something going on in back, cooking. They suddenly spelled a wonderful thing while the girls known the same. "Mmmm what's that smell." Candy said. As They all got up to know on what Chloe was doing. "Oh you Girls are awake."
Chloe called back to them in the kitchen. Her mind-
*Looks like I don't have to wave them up.*
"Wow Good morning Chloe" said April. "OH!"
"What are you doing Chloe?" Lilly asked.
"Making Breakfast just for you guys." She ask them with a little bow of greed. They all started to stand up to eat some wonderful food. "Wow that looks great." Kelsey Said. "Hmmm, perhaps You are just like me when cooking food like me." "Yeah I guess so." She cried back, but in happy time.

<~They turned the tv on for a little bit.>

"But Hey!." "Where's Rascal?" Emily completely said to her in a conscious confused matter. "Oh??!!!"
"I didn't wanted to wake him up.""But I'm sure he'll wake himself up as usual haha." Well at least he's doing "alright." She said back to Chloe while giving there stuff on there plates. "Such as for me, I'll save him some Pancakes, don't know if he does eat pancakes, but I'm sure he will try it." even though I am not aware of that." Chloe Said towards them while eating and going on there phones. "Well At least you're giving him love an attention." "Even though will simply trust him. if his Evil energy comes back just like in the past. "Yeah I'm with you girls.!" Candy said when eating lots of the pancakes. "Girls I'm sure you Except my opinion over him but I'm sure an glad that you girls still trust him." "Chloe said eating her cereal. While also going on her phone. "Girls, Enough with this peptalk, let's just eat an get ready." Kelsey said. "Yeah!" as Lilly an April agreed the same.

The girls suddenly got ready for a winter day. Once almost doing that, they had to put there stuff away and wish dish until Rascal Came down to know on what was going on. "Hey guys Uhh Sooo..... What's going on?"he said floating a little bit in his style. The girls noticed him floating and yawning for a little bit until Chloe said good morning two him when the girls got ready. "Oh, Morning Rascal." Chloe Said. "How did you sleep?" "Very well, just a little bit of a headache." But I'm fine.""I'm glad." She said back two with him while he sat down with her.
Soon as they were chatting. things have been okay towards the girls seeing them Totally fine over there Conversation. Chloe didn't realize or known about Rascal waking on just like her friends did the same. She wanted to wake them up but since she made some food for them, they woke up for it because of the smell. Such as for her she didn't wanted to mind. When Chloe was all finished cleaning, she decided to give Rascal Some pancakes for a little bit. Since he needs his Strength and same for the others.
"Here Rascal." *Give him plate* Puts it on his plate*

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now