Cha 51. Chloe's Admired Feeling.

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(Boys Turn There Love to The Girls an In Love)
(Meanwhile at Dark Where There We're At)
During Happy Time for them, the to Actually Came with Ulric an Emily to her house buy deciding they were actually okay with it. The Feeling have hit a little bit While Half Being scared that The New Generation has come an Upon Us for all this Time. All four of them Half Panicked a little bit, but Most were ok an Sadly they will all be at the Library Of Legends so that They Wouldn't be involved buy the new Generation an it's powers. Emily an Chloe's old Bad Guys where all okay on this An Also Decided To Come with them an Pretend that there just some Very ordinary creatures from the old Shadow Realm. Emily's Mother was okay for Them to Spend the Night an Make there way up to Emily's room, Sine Her mom Came Back From Shopping and Basically Has hadn't Seen The New People Spending the Night. *As They Went up.* "Okay Guys, Follow me an Candy to my Room."Emily Said. As they all agree to her an Candy. "Come on slowpokes.?!" Candy Said. "Candy Keep your Voice Down, you're Going to Draw Attention to her mom." Chloe Said As Ulric an Rascal went to just Teleport In front instead of Taking the Stairs behind them, but it was just Short. As they all Went to Emily's room They Were Pretty Much impress Buy The pink in the room of it, since Queen Candy Loves Pink. "Sooooo, What Do We Do Now.?" Human Ulric Said Until Rascal Agreed With him on what they were Waiting For. "We are Waiting for the Time to be Right to Be ready But for now, Let's All Get Reading For Bed." She Said to them. "I Would Rather stay up.." As Ulric Said to Them While Getting up an Looking at the Stars. "Are You Sure an Positive.?" Emily Said until he Went outside Without Saying a Word. "Okay Then..?" She Went Looking at All three of them Buy admitting That They Should also Stay up, Just For A Little Bit to get things all situated with. Chloe Then Holds onto The Joker an Liking on how They felt an Keeping Each other safe, including buy Other peoples Safety. Emily an Candy Then Went Back down Stairs to Get Some Stuff an a Glass of water Just for Her Mom Wouldn't know About Anything Crazy Buy Candy Being real An Just a Stuff Toy. As They Both took a Break, Cho an Ras Looked at Each other. He Wanted to Kiss her Again But He's Wondering that It could Mess up Like Before in Jubiland, so instead He did it Anyway without anyone looking. He Suddenly Turn his Head to Her when Blushing, Trying his best To Keep a Straight face an Both Look Back towards Each other once Again. "Hey Chloe, Remember that we Mess that Kiss up.? Plus An when understanding it, did it felt... True.?" Rascal Said. (Puts His Right Arm Around Her.) "Of Course it Felt True, Don't admit that it's Not True. We Just Clearly Miss it, that's all." She Said To him as She Layed on His Chest. Making him Blush Even More Towards Her Touch. "I'm Glad that it's not true Chloe." As They Tried To Kiss Much More Easter an Working it Out confident. *Kisses.* then They Hopefully Won't see them Kissing when Emily, Candy an Ulric not seeing it an representing It. No one was Looking until Emily an Candy Came Back with the Stuff an Glass of Waters. "Hey Guys We're Back!!" Candy said Yelling a Little bit. "Candy Shhhhhhh." Emily Encourage her. As They Stop Kissing While They Listen To The Steps of Them Just For 20 Seconds while Sitting up. You Guys Need Some Help.? As Human Ulric Said To Them as The Both, Emily an Candy Said Sure. "Sure!" As He Helped Them While Chloe an Rascal were Still sitting down, looking an Watching, Emily Wanted to know That If her Friend an the Joker. They Said were Fine Since they Both Were saying that it's Short. "Oki, You're Lost." Ulric Said While helping them. (As Chloe Layed Back onto Rascals Shoulder an Chest at the Same time an He Still had His Right Arm Around Her an Both Blushed again. Next to the Wall when still in Emily an Candys Room.) (There Were now Done Sorting things out.) "Okay Guys Were done now, Who Wants two Watch TV.?" Emily Said. They all said "I" At the Same time. an Rushed to the Tv an watched some Television even though Emily's Tv is quite Short An Just Normal an Not highly Pink or Light Pink. "I'm Sure that you guys wanna Hear the News Instead of Cartoon Drama.?" Emily Said again until her mom Came Up Stairs an Offered Them Some Cookies. (Candy Hides a Little.) Emily's Mother: Hey Guys, Just Wanted to offer you guys Some Cookies if you're interested. As Emily's Mom Said When Realizing that She was a Little bit Curious. "Uhhh, Mind if I Ask You Girls, who are These Two Nice an Lovely Gentleman's.? She Said until they All Blushed an Didn't Know On What to Say onto that conversation an Concern when looking. "Uhhhh Well, Quite a Unnecessary Good Idea Mom." Emily Said after they turn there heads to Her mother an Candy Was Hiding. "Well......Nothing Personal Lady." Ulric Said. Until Rascal Greeted Her Mother An She Hand Him The cookies an Also Milk. "Nice to Meet You Emily's Mother." He Said As She was Okay For People, including Boys Coming to Emily's House Since She's Getting Older An Understanding that to her. As Chloe Also Greeted Her Mom. Then Rascal Sits Back down an Hands Over the Cookies For Her an Human Ulric. "OH, Well Emily, Since You Know Everyone, and Being Highly RespectFul Honey, I Suspect that They can Stay, sincerely it's Hard for Me To know New Perfect People Who are your Guys Boyfriends That I Deeply Think it." Emilys mother Said Smiling. Once She Said that over her conclusion, They all Blush While all of them Were Confused and Shakes there Heads Very Badly. (WHAT!?) They all Convince Shocked.
(Emily Gets up.) "OK.....Mom.......That's Enough, Encouragement for one Day, You may leave Now... an Thanks for the cookies.!?" As Emily Escorts her Back Downstairs While Thanking for the cookies. Oh well okay, You're Welcome for Letting me Stopping Buy Over Buy Giving You're Guys Boyfriends Some Cookies." She Smiles some more an Emily Screams a Little bit Like a Little Bird. "AhhhHHH." While her Mom Said that to her, Embarrassed. Chloe then Giggles a little Over Emily's Embarrassment. "Hehe, I'm Sure That you Mom Never mean or Met that Emily." She Said Over Candy Agreeing an Maybe same for The Boys. Well Chloe I Didn't clam it To be as a Slumber Party..!? It was a Meeting Please Believe Me.!?" As She Said at them. Then Ulric Starts Laughing an Same to Rascal but kinda Giggles just like Chloe. *Both Laugh.* "You're Alright there Lucky!?" The Joker Said as the Wolf in human form also Agreed with Himself. "Yeah Me to Pinky!" Then They both Wimps There Tears Of there Eyes.
Soon Afterwards From All that Giggling an Shuttling that they did. The others have Gotten Ready for Bed an Hope That it wouldn't Be Necessary. Emily then Shut Her Light Off An Was The only One Fast asleep for a few minutes. Until Ulric Join Her in her bed. Rascal an Chloe Were pretty understanding about Emily's Caution About Seeing The Bad Guys, The new Bad Guys Coming along to frighten them once again Since He had Nothing to do with this an His Powers we're still weak. They Both were Still not Sleepy until They've Went Outside an Looked at the Stars around 9:58 PM. "Wow, Just Look at the Stars!" Then the Joker Agreed towards her Inspiration When Looking at The Stars Again. "Yea there are Beautiful, Like You My Dear." He Said to her Beauty while Staring an Towards her Cuteness." I'm So Happy that you Have Decided to join me buy looking at the Stars Rascal." Chloe Said as They Both Agreed over buy Emily an two Also Queen Candys balcony. They Wanted to kiss some more But Wanted to wait Because they were Thinking when Still looking at the Stars for asking there selfs a Question to say To one Another without being Ignorant. "What Do you Think or Like About The Stars Chloe.?" He Said. "Well, Just Amazing with a Touch of Magic in our way To be Involved and curious." She Said Back to Him While thinking an Understanding the definition About the Stars An When Talking about There Future an Love. (As They Both looked up Buy Holding Hands without Letting Candy, Emily An Ulric See.) "The Future is in Our Hands My Dear." Rascal Said When Putting his Arms around her in a Romantic Way and When Not Biting or Licking his Teeth & Mouth around Her Since he Does not Do that Anymore But only Around Fight issue's. It was Still Nighttime an They Were feeling like They Should go Back to Sleep right now. After That They Went back to Sleep with Ulric an Emily an Also Candy. Then they Both Said GoodNight To Each other. "Night Breeze." As He Look at her Sleeping With him. "Good night." As She Said Back to his Touch an Feelings. Then They both Felled Asleep after they were Looking at the Stars.

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