Cha 48. Off Two Find.

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Since Off the accident From Earlier of Yesterday, They were Obviously very Scared of this new contraction buy Rascals Plan.

(Morning at. 6:00 Early.)

Rascals POV
I was The only one who they can trust, and I'm glad that they choose a way to follow my plans of My old Friends. I went up outta bed on the couch then sat up an Thinking to myself of how we could all fix this together. I hope my Old friends won't Be mad at me when if we can turn them Back two the way they were when I've made them Evil buy my sakes.
Will it was not me. It Was Nogo who did it.
My Stupid Master Buy not Giving a single garbage about me. But it's just my disingenuous buy getting help buy me and the Glitter Force. Over a while it was Raining, it completely Stop After Fang had almost destroy us in his evil plans and even trying to let me and Breeze going up in the sky buy him. Hope that never happens again during my sakes, since I'm magically, well still. My body has been healing well since yesterday then before when Breeze Founded me during myself being punched out of the sky buy Fangknight. It was very dreadful in its own ways. But I'm better now, I can fly now and it's my time two change of what I've done and continue towards having a good life in my Childhood from Right now. I Hope The Girls Can Trust them even for me.
(-My Friends. I'm Consider Coming For you.)

He Suddenly Got up and sat buy the table while he was all done talking towards his head and getting dress buy not wearing his old clothes but the clothes that he got from Chloe.

(He Sat in the Kitchen.)

It was finally Sunny out well a little bit, since it's still wet out there. The girls suddenly started Waking up buy the Sun and started getting ready for there selfs.

"Morning guys." Rascal Says. "Morning." Chloe Said. and they all Agreed buy there awakening. "You guys Ready two go Two find my old friends in jubiland?" He said. "Yeah we're Ready, but not right at this minute, Since we're all getting ready." Kelsey Said. As April and Lilly also got up and getting dress.
He Waits for them including Chloe. He Wanted to go right now two stop the madness of the new bad guys. But instead he had two wait since the girls are Getting Ready for it. He then waited for a few minutes when getting Bored until Chloe was talking two him while talking the others when all done Getting Ready. "Hey I'm all ready." She said two Rascal letting him look at her. "Great, Then lets go then." "But you have two wait for my friends, since there still getting ready." She said to him in a nice face. "Ugh Fine." He Said. "Hope it doesn't Take two long." He said in mind.

*He waited for them two be done in like 5 Minutes.*

They were finally all done getting ready and Told Them that there all set.

(They all went outside)

"Ok Guys, we're all Done." Lilly Asked. "Yeah." As Candy said sitting on the couch still. "We're all set from your agreement Rascal" April Said. "Finally!" He Asked. "Well are you guys ready." Kelsey Said.
As they all Said yes in one Group. (Outside)
"Ok Gather around" Rascal Said. As they all Gather buy him getting his tricks ready. He used one of his Old Buffon Balls an put them together into a huge ball, Covering the hole Group, including Himself.
"WHOA" As the hole Group Said Getting Creeped out. "What's Going on?!" April Said "You'll Find out later Glitter Spring." He Suddenly Said. They all hold there hands together one buy one an quickly.
"Hold on tight Ladies." As His Huge Ball Went up in the sky instead of teleportation, since he's still Hurting a little bit. The ball spin them around and around an circles, causing them to get dizzy except for him. Even for him he's use two it. "Ooooo I feel Dizzy." "Same." Emily&Candy Said as the girls also did the same. "Don't worry you girls get use two it."He said as the big Buffon ball went up in the sky with them.
"Look how far are we!!"Chloe Said. "I Know Right." Rascal Said Back. "Don't try to look down guys."
He replied Again when still holding on two the girls.

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now