Cha 40. The Truth.

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(Later at night though)

5:00 am

Over though at night, the girls were still asleep over do of the dark and same though Emily, Chloe and also candy.

Things were pretty much ok of there talking of Rascal, but in there Casese they'll handle it for sure.
Over though his nightmares and telling the three girls of what happened, he explain towards them in shock an thinking that it would be such a Terrible thing to say towards there friends. But if there going to believe. so will they.

(Later though)
(8:00 Am)

Chloe then woke up and decided to go downstairs without stepping on her friends sleeping in there sleeping bags in the middle of the day. The sun was Rising in the winter a little and birds were tweeting. And over with that topic, there was no sign of the new bad guys in town. It was quite a relief for Chloe but in her case she wouldn't have to worry one bit, since her and also her friends are very powerful when fighting over the new of there story's misery.

Chloe's POV
I was making sure that the others were still asleep. when going downstairs and check the winter of the weather while wearing my sweater when it was snowing. I can't believe overtime over everything that Rascal has done though us when trying to hurt us while making it a bad ending to his corpse. But it was said though his mind that it wasn't him who has done it and even towards his friends as well. But I'm so glad that there gone, now we can live are life's now and start a new chapter in times. over within Him. it wouldn't be such a good idea towards his own kinds or pressure. But if I'm going to listen, I'm probably going to fight with him and same towards my friends an then I would see what his face would look like in life. but soon I'll just wait an, I'll be ready. Over talking though my mind I've heard one of my friends got up to noticed that I was up an going outside. They went downstairs to look on to where I was located outside. And at that very moment. It was Emily looking outside, and wanted to know on what was I doing in the cold. 

*Opens Door*
Emily: Hey Chlo-Chlo What are you doing in this cold weather, you're going to frost to death.
She said, looking at her.

*She said, blinking at her.*

Chloe: Uhhh. hmmm. Nothing. I just needed some fresh air outside over on talking with him last night.

Emily: Oh yeah...Right. I know what you mean. and I'm not gonna lie on that respect or respond on Rascal ehehe. But Hey. look on the bright side. We can at least try to give him a chance when asking again.

*She's turns at her with emotions*

Chloe: Emily you don't understand. He needs us. He needs us to help me in this process, if he's going to help us then we have to help him. I understand that I'll be punished though this problem but if it's worth it, then I'll explain and expect it if he changes.

When saying that to Emily. She would have never hurt him but only if his changes though killing them over towards of Chloe's problems. But Emily will still trust Chloe's decision if it's normal from telling.

*Emily walking buy her*

Emily: Chloe!? I DO UNDERSTAND!!! And I know  it means so much for you buy taking care of him instead of not killing him. I was there with candy before when being in this conversation of his truth of him as a human like us. But as long as you're happy I am to. But right now we've got even more big problems to discuss from this problem. And plus if Rascals not telling the truth then that's fine but not fine to our friends agreements, Because were all in this together while fighting. We've pretty much maybe are still mad at you for not telling, but at least you're not hardly putting us in danger after all.

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