Cha 46. The Lightning Way.

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Once They've Heard something in there way in the middle of the stormy Weather. They continued their Horror Shockness while it was heck of raining in the Downtown City.  "What in the World" April Said.

"Hahaha. "Time to get my bad Nights On with a little pinch of wet Rain hehe. (As he jumps down.)

The girls and Rascal Heard his Foot steps coming near there path, as they stop walking and all frost at the scary stuff happening. "Hahaha." Fang Laughed while jumping on one of the boxes. "Huh?" Emily looking Right and same did everyone else.

"ITS HIM!?" As they all said.

HAHA!, Long time No see,!! Did you really think that you guys could Get rid of me that easily."
He said at them buy at least 8 Feet. "An Did you know that you have a Troublemaker liar next to you guys, Which confirms The Joker?!." He Said to The Joker betraying his own master, emperor Nogo. "Or should I say- Old master I should say." He Suddenly Said when being disturbed and disgusted in Rascals New style.

(As Rascal Said)
"FANG!?" "His Name is fangknight!! H-he's the one who had almost Defeated me in Battle and also almost Killed me in the sky.!" Rascal Yelled and Yelped hardly. <As Chloe then Gets shock.>

"OH, I How am I not surprised?" April Said in front.

"Oh How dreadful, guess I have to put you guys out of my misery like the last time on this and paint the future black."
Fang said as soon as he got out his book.

"We can't let that happen?!" Chloe Said.

"Oops Two late!!!" Fangknight Repeated.
(As he Laughs.) 'Now' Time two Reveal My New Master. Emperor Nogo!"
(Wheel of doom Ticks again.)

(Clock Strike (4/12)
(Turning The sky went very dark And More Rain.)
The people at The outside store that they were in started moaning terribly causing pain in depression.
Hahaha!! "That's some amazing Negative Energy!!"
Fang Repeated while looking at the book. (Flying.)

"How is this possible?!" Candy said.

"This is muni!?!?" Kelsey Remarked.

"Then we must Destroy Him before it's to late."
Once they all said that, The Princesses grab out there glitter packs an Transformed until Rascal Backs Away a little while looking. (Chloe helps him.)
(They put there gifts On the Tables in the city)

✨ (Glitter Force Make Over) ✨
(As Magic Starts two happened)
(10 Minutes)

Emily/Lucky: A fabulous shimmer a glow in your heart. <I'm Glitter Lucky.>

Kelsey/Sunny: When you mess with me, you're playing with fire, <I'm Glitter Sunny.>

Lilly/Peace: Puppy's & Kittens, The power of love-
<I'm Glitter Peace.>

Apirl/Spring: A force is strong, as the light itself.
<I'm Glitter Spring.>

(As Candy Did the same.) AH YAY!!!! YEAH!!

(Shining bright, here comes the Glitter Force!!)

*As Fang Yawned*
Fang: "AnyWho, back to the tour like before."

(Buffon!, Come on down!!!!!)
As he said. over the Darkest Buffon becoming a gift Bag Buffon form there gifts they gotten.
"Bufffffffooonn!!!" It Said.

"Whoa it's a darkest Buffon?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?" Candy said while in her human form.

They all are Transformed except for Chloe, she wanted two wait and Keep Rascal Safe from Fang an the others killing him from his soul. She Gets in front of Him, leading him scared for the fight an battle in the stormy rain. "Chloe why aren't you Transforming.?" Sunny Said. "Girls I'll Catch up, go and Defeat him I'll keep Rascal Safe. She said to the others while Rascal Greeted her safety towards himself being scared but she will transform Later if needed. "Ok Chloe!!" Lucky remarked at her While turning back.
(The Others including Candy.)
"You know you don't have to protect me Chloe I could protect you two."
Rascal Said When she looks at him.
"Not The Time Rascal, besides you need to be protected buy the new Generation including him." She asked back.
"But you're Glitter Pack?" He Says
"I don't Need it. "Yet." She ask him While he answered.
"Okay. But I can fight him two!!"
"You can't you're still in pain I can tell, so please."
(As she Spread her arms up, Protecting him)

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now