Cha 37. Help Me.!

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(Chloe's POV)
Before the snowstorm started to burst around 3 or so,I've Decided to take myself outside for a walk around the town for a little while. but since the snowstorm is calm I guess I'll just go early (As I said to myself) I'm still worried for Rascal if he's still out there or probably busy. Oh who am I kidding let's just go outside after all the snowstorm is calm anyways.
(Opens Door) (Walks outside to town)
Things have been okay today since it's almost Friday and I wanted to do something fun but when all of the sudden. Ive heard a little yelled across town ( Hm that shouting kindly kinda reminds me of Rascal? No couldn't be. my minds just playing games with me. After that. I think to myself about that shout then it suddenly gets louder and louder through the forest down town when it quickly said the words (HELP ME) It screamed. when hurting very badly (OWAH). I quickly went towards the shouting and found out of where it was coming from. I was pretty confused about it yet still scared. since if it's serious I mustn't ignore it. I have to help it. because helping others is very important in life. Since looking and talking about it. I quickly ran faster and faster into the winter,noticing that there was smoke in the situation an So as his torn clothes. when going down in the hole checking it out. I saw something even more Scarier and very furious. It was Rascal, looking hurt very damaged. blood dripping down and even towards his torn clothes as well. As I said to myself one last time in scared yet sad form. (RASCAL!) I said. Oh My lord Jesus w-What happen to you.!!!!!!!! I ask touching him. "WHO DID THIS TO YOU!!"
I quickly noticed closer and quickly felt his plush of his heart if he was still beating yet still Is. so that was fine. "Phew he's alright,yet badly damage and injured " I said. I then quickly transform into my Warrior form in one second to pick him up for protection since he's pretty much tall an Heavy when still down on the floor when still bleeding and apart of his dream balls were also haft gone as well
"I must know who did this to you" I said. So me "glitter breeze" I went to quickly ran in a this situation when picking Rascal up in my arms- Carrying him so people wouldn't know The scene of causes.

(Runs and Jumps really high!)

Chloe quickly got to her house then finally made it and retransformed back to her normal self then open the door as quickly as possible (opens door) (locks) "Who could of done this to you" Chloe ask him when putting him on the couch. Chloe Discussed it to herself that maybe putting him on her couch was a bad idea for him since his back is Damaged and so as his clothes and hair. I'd hurry to drag him upstairs so know one will see him form outside the windows however my friends are away and so as my great grandparents as well so Phew. She puted him on her nice Soth comfy bed while going upstairs then took half of his Clothes off revealing his six pack while still sleeping. Once noticing. Chloe then blushes a little bit over looking at his six pack then noticing it gave her chills when he also had torn scratches on him and so as his face. She felt very worried towards him when still sleeping over his scratches. She then felt his plush again to feel that if he's doing alright however while Chloe checking it. she felt very worried again but yet still blushing at his chest. She quickly grabs her Hospital stuff then went rolling it around Rascals torn chest and so as his crack mask. While thinking about it She then wondered if what he looked like without his mask when still sleeping. While Chloe was quickly thinking about it to much. she slowly went taking her hand when getting closer to take his mask off. While slowly doing it. She suddenly noticed and heard a knock on her door making Chloe very scared of who was is. She went downstairs to look in the little telescope hole. Noticing that it was her friends being very upset but very disappointed an furious."CHLOE LETS US IN"
Said Kelsey "THIS IS IMPORTANT" April asked
W-What are you g-guys doing here!! Chloe asked towards them. WE'VE NOTICED OF WHAT YOU WERE HIDING FORM US. Lilly said in scared form
WHAT IS GOING ON?! Chloe asked them back) Everyone calm down there must be some exclamation okay just calm down girls. Emily explain while everyone went sighing an so did Emily. (Sigh) Now Chloe would you kindly open the door please. She ask towards the door. "Alright "She asked them' But please don't freak out I can explain" she said when opening the door for them. Kelsey shaked Chloe left an right when very mad but very scared and furious in a way and same towards all of her friends including Candy. HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND CHLOE. Kelsey asked what are you talking about Kelsey? what's going on. DON'T PLAY DUMB WE KNOW ON WHAT YOU'RE HIDING FORM US. candy explain. (GUYS STOP!)  Emily said when separating them and so did Kelsey. (Sigh) Ok Girls now why don't we talk about this on her couch then will discuss it form up stairs how's that. Emily said calmly. (They all sigh again) Chloe then shutted her door then sited with her friends on her couch and floor then talked an explain towards them in person. Ok Chloe just tell us why. Why did you keep Secrets form us April Said calmly and so did everyone else. (Sigh) Phew ok I'll explain from the start" Ok will hear you out then will go upstairs Lilly said. Alright let's hear it Chloe. candy said. Ok here I go. She then garbs some tea to give to the girls on a winter day and turned on the AC and made a scene.
Chloe: Ok-Alright the reason why I wanted to keep this a secret from all of you guys. was because you guys wouldn't worry because you guys would-wouldn't understand for a chance and however he has changed and he wouldn't mean any harm form all of us because I gave him a life within lightness were know one will hurt him in need. I just had to set him free because There was no other option. he needed hope because he had a story over on his own in his childhood. As a child no know gave him any love in life. Nogo betrayed him because he didn't needed him anymore, he has been using him as a tool when dieing in a pile of goo when he gave me his back story just because he wanted attention an love but he was alone when no one cared for him in the future towards him especially his parents. And for that he was hurt with such pain. I even found him really unconscious and his clothes were torn up so I had to help him just for cover. I couldn't just leave him there to die. he needed to be treated and I had to do something about it. And I'm really sorry for keeping secrets from you guys I just thought it would be best because you guys wouldn't understand of what it's like And-

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