Cha 53. Medication Moment.

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Since That The Girls Have Been taking into medicate with the Boys Help them, the rest and The pixies were pretty much ok Over, Basically of what Happened. Rascal Took Chloe Buy his Arms an Carries her to her house just so if the bad generation guys came back to hurt them an There World again. Who Knows That They Might Will All attack again.
(A few Minutes Later.) The Others Have fallowed Them to her House Just So that No People can See them hurt and They got it completely under control buy history. They all hid Underneath the dark shade so that know people were around, since that they were in the city downtown still. (Walking good) (People We're Back To Normal.) It wasn't raining it was just a little cloudy. "Don't Worry Chloe, I Will Save you, we will save you an You're Friends." "Indeed Chloe." Emily Said to them as well since she didn't had the chance to fight back because of her being stuck into a ball for the next 1 or 2 Hours.
"Ok So Where are We going.!?" Brooha Said. "Didn't I Told you already. We are all going to Chloe's House To sort things out." The joker Said. "Well sorry...... But I Just Forget things empty-handed for a while, not after of what happened just Now.!? Brooha Grow Angrily inside. "Calm down Witch. It's not your fault that you had to do everything yourself.?"Kelsey Said. While holding on to Aprils Right Shoulder. "Yeah April." Agreed. "Well you guys do have a point. Let's Just Get this over with an Continue just talking and fast when we get there please an Thank you." (They All turn there head.) (Continues walking without people seeing them.) "Going to the main frame isn't so bad you know" Ulric Said. "Probably, But We are not Sure if this Will not stop for starters, guaranteed.!? Emily Said when Emily said that She has Gotten picked up buy Ulric. (He Picks Her up Buy Her Full body.) "Ulric, what are you doing.?" She said. "Don't Worry, I'm Sure That it will be Fine." Emily blushes an Lays on his chest area. (He also Blushed to while picking her up without Emily being hurt. Since she Know for a Reason that She can Take Care Of Her self also.) (However It Should be Fine.) (The Pixies We're Walking With them.)

(All 3 of them Were Still humans.)
(MeanWhile, When they all Made it To Chloe's House.) Nobody Answered them They in-fact Just Went inside to Chloe's house an cover some Shelter buy here and out, since her House is pretty Huge well a little bit. (It was Rascals Idea.) "w-Why are we all going T-To My House.!? Chloe Said at him With a Sad tournament Face at him but Half Sad an Worried to. "Plus I-I Should be the one who needs to take care of you Rascal.?" (Gives more Puppy Eye Stares at him.) The Glitter Force, The Normal Guys and The Pixies Have Gotten Constantly confused about it When Staying inside Nice an Harm an Waiting for tea. "Oh Come on My Dear, it wouldn't be so hard not to wonder difficult places you know, an yes I've picked your house Because It would seem to be the best choice for us, Since you and your Friends Need Some Medic stuff An they're hurt like you." He Looks at her when putting her on the Couch right next to Emily on the right side an her on the left when Ulric Putted her down inside her house. An then He looks more Handsome as ever to Chloe's encouragements and Especially Being nice to her.) (He Giggles in nice ways an Said.) "So don't you worry Darling." (Pets Her like a Baby or a Puppy.) "Wow you're Weird Rascal." Young Brooha Said But He Didn't answer it and take it as a compliment. He Then Told The 3 pixies to Give Him the Medic an hospital stuff for Chloe an the rest of them for Them, except for Emily. She had Some Tea With Ulric.
"Okay Guys, you Pixies need to help us Heal them with your medical stuff, please gather everything you can for them." Pop, Rihanna an Candy All agreed For Him an Then Proceeds to help. "Well I suppose why not, let's Help them." Pop asked an Says. "Yes Let's Help them, What other choices we have.!?" Rihanna said. "You guys Don't worry about me I'll Watch, since I'm not a Doctor in anyway as Usual sadly." Candy Said "But I'm also glad that Emily didn't get hurt as well. *Hugs on her Neck With her an Human Ulric.* (They were in the kitchen making some Tea.)
"Aw Candy." She Completely compliments. "Alright Let's Go an Help!" He Suddenly said when holding the Glitter box. An it was not just him who is Helping the girls, it's Was Him an just The 2 Pixies for there owns Safety. "Okay, Let me Open it Up for You 2. As Rihanna Opens it up an it Said While Opening it. (Activate Glitter Box's.) (Turns is Medical things.)  Rascal Puts a band-Aid on her Wounds during the Fight. "Thank you Guys." Chloe Said an lays Down on the couch and rests and Lets Them the Rap the others in Medic stuff also. Once They were doing that. Brute an Brooha Just Realize that there was another Glitter Gem inside The Glitter Box buyt the side left near Pop an Rihanna. "Uhh Guys, I just Known Something But. Me an Brute Have Noticed another Glitter Gem in the box. Rihanna, Pop an Everyone else Looked at them confused an Half near the door While being completely honest about it Since they have already know Well, just the pixies. (It Was a Rainbow Scarf Jewel.)  "Yes, We have Already heard about it and It has confirmed an Continued that We might get some More Jewels on the lose when Refighting them again. An Weird interesting fact.? I Don't think or Know of what ideas that will have to come across now if we get all of the Glitter charms.!?" Rihanna Said looking honest with terrified. (They Have 4 More Glitter Charms To Go.) "You don't have to waste your time Rihanna, if we know what we're planning up against, it's their ideas, knowing that what's going on especially for Rascal, since Chloe did Wish him an even though, I'm Starting to trust and believe them and what they're going through seen for over us." Pop said while looking at Rihanna very fearless, Traumatize an even Positive towards them in slight purpose. "Well.. I Suppose you have a point, even though I'm glad that you agree Pop." She asked him while putting her paw on his Shoulder. (Pop Slightly lets go of her paw.) "Now Now. Let's not get too carried away Rihanna even though we have a plan to fix our Mistakes and it would be worse than before. I still expect more from Him an Chloe but if it's what we're fighting against then we must go through it together once and for all to keep the world safe, can you Do that.?" He Said letting go of her. "You got it right Sir, Thanks for Letting me go through this mission with you, I appreciate it." (Candy Interrupts) "Also She Gave Him the Potion from earlier just for a purpose." She Told them an Laughs for a Little bit. (Turn around facing her.) "Candy.!?" "WHAT.!?" Pop says loudly. "Listen I can explain. To me they have changed, I could tell when I gave Rascal a Chance to speak from his Own mine an to his or Of how much he likes his Friends Ulric, Burte An Brooha.!?" Rihanna says once Chloe cutting in. "Yes Guys, an Even though she's also telling the truth. He did change and I can tell him if knowing, since he's a great fighter and he saved me by the temptation And we couldn't do this without him and his friends and they have also changed to however, they may have a certain of attitude like Ulirc. But I'm sure that we all can work together to solve this problem once finding a way to get all of the glitter charms for the Century for This promise." She Says an Lays Back Down an Rascal Puts a ice pack on her head to make her Feel better. (Pop Thinks about it An decides to cancel the 20 days off the schedule since he can Finally trust him.) "Well risking lifes is even more better than telling the truth, but I'm giving both for myself for the record since you all have done good in the world to be nice people in this world and I'm impressed of that.!?" Pop Imaged it. "Especially You Rascal. Your a Good Man. I Want you to know that ok." He Said An Shakes his long big sharpy nailbHands near Chloe. "Well what other choices I have to honor it after offer, thank you." (He Bows Without Flying.) "You still may be a bad person to me but I will definitely keep that in mind for now keep Chloe safe, including Emily, Kelsey, Lilly an April safe. Even your bad guys. (They both got impressed by him keeping the girls safe.) "Wait Arebyou leaving Brother.? Candy Said. ( He looks at her.) "I'm Actually Gonna Hang Here for a little while since I don't have anything else to do For that matter." (Rihanna is Pleased.)Glad your Staying Pop, now, let's Help Heal these girls out." She Said an Helps April. She was right near the TV. "Thanks Rihanna. (April gives our a question.) Hey, by the way may I ask, how did you transform the same way they candy did once we were defeating Nogo.?" April said an commented. She was please an decided to say it to her anyway. (Tells Her Story.) Well...? It was when I was candies Age while embracing my fears towards On practicing on being a warrior like the old Glitter Force in the Story. And it's simple enough when it exist well we brought the land of Jubiland an We honored It as our Home. Basically candy was never born yet I was really pops age when figuring out some history in my books for that matter. And for example it was hard to mention it.but I've passed and the old glitter force gave me the Golden blue diamond  Jewel while passing my test to become a warrior of helping people in Jubiland. An Pop an the rest were Really proud of me. And that's Were The evil Kicks in until they passed away. And we seriously had nothing to spare except for Queen Euphoria. We Only have'd Her, She was the only one alive while no one had the chance to the defeat emperor Nogo When All 4 of you Weren't born at that time. You guys were just kids when the stories weren't beginning in your chapters And they didn't pick you yet from that matter. I know that everything's turning upside down and starting over which is now when Reading on one of my books. And we frankly don't know what to do But to sacrifice ourselves when being ready. It was hard for me when the other pixies Became warriors like me and candy when fighting along with all of the glitter force champions. Even if I'm asking. Some Pixie Magic is clearly different like pops for example, is because that he can transform into any spirit knowledge, magical creatures and metals stuff. I don't know his life. The way I do know is that he is a great pixie warrior along with his sister candy. I can tell because I have faith in them. (She Said when they Smile.) Rihanna Finished her Story and April Feel Happy an Sightly confused an Show Mix together over toward especially for the rest. (April Looks at Her While near Kelsey.) "So You are a Pixie warrior..?" She Said. "I Was... until I've quit, until the death of The 4 Glitter Force Warriors, Especially for Queen Euphoria. But Now I'm a Worker pixie now along with Pop. But me an Him are Still Warrior pixies and we will keep the world Safe with you guys too, Even if it kills me. there's no other chance for myself to be back down with still being a warrior once again." (Rihanna Said without hesitating an Looks back.) "Wow, I Cannot Believe that you had a fair Replica of your story.!? Kelsey said. (Rihanna looks in front right buy Chloe an then looks down.) "Yea we didn't know the that Five glitter force warriors were fighting along with the pixies When fighting the darkness right along with it, I'm SHOCK!? *Gets scared and intimidated.* Lilly Said. Don't Worry Lilly. I'm Sure that She Must Be Mistake. Unless She's Not Joking.!?" "She's Not Joking." Pop Said. "I've been going though this along time ago and that was where Candy was born. Pop then Gets interrupted by his little sister.) Yay YAS! Very True now both of you stop Talking! My Favorite shows on." Candy completely complain And was hold by Emily again an Was Right Buy Ulric. "Eheh, Still the same candy I guessed." Emily complained put in happy thoughts towards her. Ulric Growns but still ok to candy when Right next to them on the left. After Rihanna an Pops Storylines. Rascal decided to speak. (Tells His Little Story To.) "Well However. We all didn't come Along towards this hurry up story because I wasn't around when I was also a kid before when I found emperor Nogo. Before when he allowed me to summon him once again buy grabbing a few pixies along the way and turning them onto exactly like before, like me but different in any legend of way. It was a tragic because I didn't know what to do before he brainwashed me and never allowed myself to live instead of me dying in a pile of goo. It was also been before to when he betrayed me. It's no wonder that I couldn't trust a monster like him, how Pathetic. It was disgusting and how we made me this Way. And. Didn't wanted to be a "real" life joker but just have a normal life one and just talk to people an Not letting my parents hurt me all the time. (He Cries Right next to Chloe.) "I-It's Ok Rascal. You will be safe with us because we except you for who you are now. Since you Change. Same For Ulric, Brute An Brooha. And when we met all of you, we were free but the stories might be a bad ending he's really got our powers in our story. We were also afraid. But of what people say aren't true while knowing it just now an...we have Faith in what we can achieve on that topic after all. Chloe Said. "Thanks Chloe.... An Hey I Kinda have only one past memory of myself that I could explain." He said to everyone Really.!? Like what.!? April Said. "Yep." "Can you Tell us.!?" Emily explain. Yes Please tell us. All of us please." The pixies said including all of them. I was Basically literally and I Kinda did know the Old Glitter force forever and forever. But until that they were gone I couldn't remember a thing not until my master brainwashed me and I believe that was it, I didn't know when it's come to this... buy asking this to myself, That it was not a story.. it was just a minor open image of discovery. He Said by mocking yourself right year Chloe and the rest in front. (Ulric Speaked to him.) "You mean a flashback.?"!Ulric Said. "Ya.... A FlashBack.. But hopefully hopefully I can recover soon enough that this nightmare of myself would be over so that it wouldn't come back to me as usual." He Said To Them An All fell in shock to hear his story and Also his Democracy flashback of his parents in the old Glitter force vantage. "I'm sorry that it took advantage of you Rascal, I Really am." pop Suddenly said and Decided to not shake him instead give him a brave hug since he deserves it. Aww but but why.!? I don't deserve this after everything what I did and Done was wrong." (Rihanna and Candy Hugged him also. Candy up on the top and Rhianna is on his back an Pop was In the Front on his chest.) *Hugs back.*
T-T-Thank y-You. (Then Brute Suddenly Cried.) "Oh Stop Crying you Big Baby." Brooha Igmired him Leadless and Continue Patting him. (Ulric an Emily stayed silent while hearing the entire story and including the Others.) (Pop, Candy and Rihanna letter go while hugging Rascal.) After That Ulric Felt bad so he decided to Help him out With his Words when Getting up with Emily an They also Hugged him to after. Rascal? Thank you for Tell using what a discussion disappointment that you had in your storyline an Flashback, Came here Buddy." Hugs "Yes indeed, I'm Glad you Told us, You Deserve Love." Emily Said while The Others Didn't wanna hug him at this Minute Since there busy talking with the Others. Even That You Turn us bad Rascal, I'll still will trust and Forgive you in your honor and pleasure. He says To him an Rascal understood. (He looks up at Ulric while Trying to hold back his Tears.) *He Sighs.* "Thanks For Not Giving up on me and Trusting Me over buy my Fate." He Said. Then the rest were all done hugging him while Not Crying but Feeling immediately worried to there selfs incurred buy the Others honest to him and His Future. Chloe Then Puts Her Hands on his Face When she was Sitting up, Wiping his Tears while the pixies were all done Putting Bandages an A Case on her leg an Arms since she was the one fighting to hard Then him. "There's No Need To Cry Rascal. Okay.? I'll be Fine right along with you and the Rest of the Others to calm you down. After all, we're all in this together, together forever." She Said once also Trying to hold back her tears and only felt the same way that he did. Rascal then Hugs her Quickly an Trying not to let her wounds hurt while hugging to there selfs an Trying to not Cut or scratch herself with His Long Blacked Nails. "Thank you, Thank goodness you known the Truth and officially Completely believe me while being Serious, telling it to his mask. "I Believe we Already Known Something and that is Friendship." Chloe Says who Hugs Him More while they all were shock but Love At the Same time. "Ya You got That Right, Maybe we all should Keep a Low Profile To Our Romance Rascal." She Said.

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now