Cha 55. Incarnation

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As All 3 of Them Were Sleeping In the bedroom, Chloe's Bedroom. Right around 5:00 Am All From Downstairs started to get up from there slumber during In cloudy moments. It was still cloudy and everything for them, but they can still see the sunrise at Chloe's House Windows. "Morning Everyone." Emily Said. (As Everyone woke up.) "Morning Pinky." Ulric Said. "Okay I think it's Sunny out." April said "Well a Little bit April." Kelsey Said to her. (As They All Realizes that Chloe, Rascal And Rihanna were Gone but upstairs basically.) "Say.? Where's The Other 3.?" Brooha Said. "Not sure.!?" Brute mentioned. "Hmm to other ideas.? I think there upstairs." Lilly Said. " (All look around Each other.)  "Well Why Don't you Guys Wake them up, we're probably going to think where to go to the city and Hide from the next generation." Pop suddenly said. (All getting worried.) "Don't Worry Pop, will pick a discussion or a decision to be careful on what we're doing." Emily goes upstairs with Candy and he was on the couch waiting and same for the rest. " Yeah Big Brother." Candy Said on her left shoulder. (Heading upstairs.) Once Emily and Candy Went upstairs, They Wanted to wake up Chloe, Rascal and Rihanna up from there slumber also, since they're all thinking of going somewhere to eat as always. "Guys.?" *Knocks.* "Are you guys awake.? It's 5:09 Am In The Morning." She Said to them at the Door. "I Think there Still sleeping Candy Said. And Both realize that the door was open. (Door Creeks Open.) "Huh.!?" Both Said and proceed. And they noticed that they noticed that all three of them were still sleeping right at this minute so what Emily did was jump on the bed to wake them up especially for candy. "WAKE UP YOU TO, WAKE UP!" Candy Scream loudly at them. (Three of them finally woke up in the middle of the situation.) "Ugh Candy! What is it.? I was sleeping with them.?" Rhianna Said. "Huh.!? What's The hold up. (He Yawns.) "Huh What.!? Emily you interrupted my dream.!?" Chloe Said giggling. "Sorry if I ruined all of your guises dreams but guess what. we're getting ready to go outside for a walk. (they both started to get up very easily for saying that to them.) "A WALK.?! Are You CRAZY.!?" (Emily looks Around and Turns back at them.) "Uh oh and Yeah what about the next generation...will deal with them later since I think We always need to disguise ourselves if they come back that's why we're picking a tour to have fun at least." Emily Said. (Rascal was immediately interest.) "Oooo, Sounds like fun!! Sure, I would love to come." (Chloe and Also Rihanna were to Scared to come along until he Looks at them while all three of them were still sitting around.) "Right Chloe and Rihanna.?" He said Looking at them. She Didn't say a Word neither did Rhianna. (Both looked back Because of how serious and Dangerous that the outside world could be.) "Awwww Come On Chloe and Rihanna. Don't be Serious for this reason that we're going outside the reason.?" They we're all thinking of going shopping where they went a little couple of months back. "Uh-Huh..!?" Emily Said and question. <Chloe will go but only on one condition.> (Rhianna was Ok coming with them coming as long as people wouldn't see her and Themselves as Usual. (Goes Down to candy off the bed.) (She Sighs) "Alright fine, I will come with all of you guys to go shopping, but only on one condition." (All looked at her.) "we're all going outside we need to disguise ourselves since I'm still badly injured still." Once she said that to them, All three of them were actually thinking of a situation to Hide by the next generation. And that is disguising their selves with cloaks or yellow diamond jewels for the others. None of them say that this was a bad idea. And When they completely reply to each other in person but it's actually a good idea for a disguised just in case. Most of them were talking to at least 10 minutes just for the others downstairs to get ready for shopping and then come back since Chloe's brother and her parents and grandparents went on vacation not necessarily for her brother. her brother was not with them he was just by him self with his fiancé to a Hotel in Japan At least 2 miles away. so just in case if Chloe calls to see if he's all right. All 4 of them gathered around to talk in Chloe's bed room. "Do you think it's a good idea For us to be in disguise.? what about us.? we're pixies.?" (Rhianna Thinks it off.) "Wait! Only me and Candy can be humans since we are queens by the way, i'm not so sure what pop does. Maybe just turn into different objects and mammals but not necessarily human Since he's just a librarian and good at knowledge and who is Also my best friend to." Rhianna Said to them And they both agreed. "I think you're right Rihanna, since we met you. you know all of the information onto turning yourself human and to us interested in it since it's interesting to me like a long time ago when we went to Jubiland we turned into pixies too and then when we became back to normal. Well. it usually lasses 10 or 20 minutes just as self-esteem or Power." Emily Said. (She Looks back at them.) "Some books do not last forever or for long you know.?" Rihanna question them. (As they all agreed.) She talk to them in the middle. "Really.? I thought it usually lasts for 10 or 22 seconds when you're back to normal." Candy Said. "Well, not where I am constantly thinking. maybe both of us if it can hold a person for much longer to be a pixie. As for me and Candy. I normally become human for at least 50 minutes to fight along side with you guys just in case if it's something is wrong or serious like right now." Rihanna said. "Well I'm super glad to have you along our side. especially the others which are them, the old bad guys honestly." Emily said to them and sat down for a Little bit Just to talk with them for at least 20 minutes so that way they all can be ready including the rest from downstairs.
(All gotten dressed.)

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