Cha 26. Walking towards the seasons.

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It has been 10 Mouths, since Chloe hasn't began talking to her friends over her secrets when setting her enemy free over with new bad people in the world. Even If rascal Changes he still has a good heart when being nice a thoughtful towards her. Sometimes even if he changes" it won't be enough since it's just the beginning of his and there story over 3 years,no one can't get the happy or unhappy ending neither if the books capable for them to conquer or something more heroic in there path.
Chloe had an idea for him,She woke him up in noon over him being sleeping for some reason. Rascal I have a question since I haven't been walking with other people well especially my friends also I had walked with them for quite a while sooooo ~ Chloe Yes what is it? ~ Rascal he said, getting up when floating and wearing Chloe's sweater.
Wood you like to go on a walk with me to check the seasons in fall ? She said Oh sure but may I ask what's fall ? He said. It's just like those days when Halloween came because fall and Halloween are in October so it's obviously on my calendar. While she said made him extremely Impressed with fall since he's still learning to act like human towards her teaching him. Oh Really I didn't know anything in planet earth ~ Rascal. You... will,once you're like me you will learn because when you're a kid you use to be smart right ? ~Chloe. Yes I remember it as a child when being smart like you although I didn't had a life~ Rascal. I know you were hurt with such pain and became a vicious monster with your old friends,when giving the story a bad ending. But now that's all in the pass and now we are making it right but something different in our world so it's time to start all over with it in peace. ~ Chloe she said when sitting down with him. Thank you Chloe he said.
*He actually said my real name!!!*


After chatting a little bit they finally went outside to check out the seasons in fall of what it's like during this afternoon over Halloween pass. They went on the check to get to there destination when seeing Chloe's old school buy there path. Chloe where are we?~ Rascal. We are at my old school, this is where i growed up in as a kid when meeting friends and everyone. No one haven't pick on me but they could only see me as an nice person when asking them of being your friend. However they didn't really wanted to be friends with them but only classmates. As a child it was hard for me to fit in a team,Partner and friends.
She said made Rascal feeling bad for her as a kid.
Ohhh I'm so sorry for you're hurt Chloe and same to me as well. he said when also almost crying.
Yes it's ok, now that was a long time ago before me and my parents were poor in are times, they wanted me to be in this school they wanted be to Believe that I got this in the future when talking to others in life an getting a job, However I didn't but when I met Emily and the rest of her friends I wasn't alone then when we all got older we made a story an think it was coming true then it did and now we were finally the "glitter force" spreading hope and giving experience and feeling good about our selves after all it was only the beginning in the chapter including us,us teaming up for new people new bad people in our ways recently.
She said looking at him calmly.
Chloe I understand this now I understand how hurtful you were as a kid an trust me when I was a kid I went being nice to everyone but they didn't like me buy not liking how I dress,after in my life I was giving a evil hope buy my master and I was not myself when giving a chance to lead buy Second in command since he trusted me so I had no choice but to do it witch made my childhood break. I was crying so hard because I never had a care in need when fighting good because of him, I new I shouldn't had trusted him though my story and to hurt innocent people against my will. Over overthrew all I'm glad you gave me a chance through my life and also settd me free and two even give me a chance to live in Harmony instead of humanity. ~ Rascal. He said when hugging her buy touching the leafs over her hugging him back.
I understand that you have problems with your anger when you're eyes turning red,Especially yourself. Over with all I'll still give you a second chance in my story when nogo giving you a chance of making you evil witch he didn't an decided to only using you buy yourself and childhood I don't know if he was trying to get you out of your childhood.! But I guess he wanted you to become one of his minions over self management and also ignorance. An at that one moment you get torn in the despair buy dieing in The world you live in an never to be seen again however I'm glad had you give me a chance to set you free from my dream into yours as well.~ Chloe
She said when sitting on the bench with him without seeing him.
He Only wanted me to be a part of him when filling through his arm in custody over letting me be apart of being Second in command but now that you said that he didn't wanted me anymore you were right since it's been like 3 Years over talking about in over in the pool of Despair my despair obviously. Plus those shadow girls figures weren't mine to make nogo gave them to me to kill the glitter force including you while me being brainwash along with it. It was hard for me buy not letting me giving him a chance to explain over the death of me but he did not answer an decided to leave me there when turning me into ink buy only using me. I only wanted a normal life not an evil life by toward through it And yes I live on earth before 10 Years ago as a kid if I had a Future I would see you as a kid as well So we agree on something when being alone.
He said

Agreed! She said when walking with him.

(Chloe's POV)
I agreed with him of the years while we both walked into the fall over talking about our childhood, I didn't think it was that serious but at least we agreed on something when meeting bad through good. I also think his and my story's are true but since all of this is real he would give me one of his dreams balls in his beautiful hair and I don't mind about it as long as it's not dangerous or anything. Me and him a kinda ugh hmmm what's the word.... Alike? mostly because we look the same with our colors combined to each other, it's like a galaxy color in our different ways of our childhood of who an why people don't talk to us in the future. I mean he lost his and I didn't lose mind but only not being friends with other people after when I met Emily,Lilly,Kelsey,April and also Candy when growing up and we all became the "glitter force" in our true story's. And after all we are now the Warrior princesses fighting through evil, now that there's new bad people in our story there's no choice but to start all over and let this be the end of our story and move on with the new. Sometimes it doesn't make sense towards my head so I'm guessing it will end soon an let the old bad guys like Rascal become one of us in battle I'm hoping but there gone so why do I need to talk about them there pixies and they already had there story but I don't hardly know about rascal's story.... GASP Oh right the dream of him over him as a child I New Rascal had a Story,a True story other than his friends of Ulric,Burte & Brooha over 3 Years ago of Emily talking of them changing an making a new life for them to conquer and not fight us. Wow over with all there is a chance with us glitter force could make a decision for them to fight with us behind the new bad people of culture books of legends.

Rascal: Hey Chloe look at the trees!
Chloe: Oh really cool,What's your favorite holiday?
Rascal: I don't have one but these beautiful Orange and yellow leaves are beautiful,hmmm what if I turn them into blue and purple instead of these colors.
Chloe: Uhh that wouldn't be necessary Rascal besides fall is with those colors in need of our own holiday towards Halloween an October, But you can pick one a do it for yourself other then doing the hole tree so people won't be confuse about it.
Rascal: Oh well alright anything you say princess.
Chloe: And please don't call me that!!??

*picks Leaf*

Rascal picked to leaf to use his powers to turn the leafs into purple & blue with his rare hands over buy the tree to where there standing. Oh how beautiful 2 could be ok for us.? she said. I'm glad he said back. They then had a day off with there selfs when Chloe's teacher said that she and her friends have 2 weeks of over the Halloween celebration, and even a break off of thanksgiving as well. Even so for Christmas as well. After They were chatting the heard a wired sound next to the gate,however it was just people minding there own Business. Rascal Then stays invisible for a while to pass the people next to the gate while letting them talk and not let people see on what you're doing like talking to yourself when being ignorant towards yourself in mind. Chloe then walks an minds her own Business after passing the people down town, After that Rascal re-invisible him self over the chat of the hole people. Sorry about that there was a lot of people around the block eheh...? She said. Oh that's quite alright people who love fall there selfs and like I said I'm smart with it!!~ Rascal.
mhm yes you are my best friend~ Chloe.  :D
Over the day of talking they suddenly heard another sound but different, it sounded like a bird but different, it sounded a lot like scratching next to trees while walking down the trail in the middle of fall time, they certainly didn't notice until they saw someone Who was in a person but different it had butterfly wings on and with all pink and gray all over it over revealing a woman. It looked like a butterfly but darker on the outside that it calmly was sitting on a branch waiting for the time to strike however it was already too late. 
Rascal: Who is that!?!? It's that a human.
Chloe: I don't know and GASP she must be apart of the evil new bad guys in our story, Somehow she's sleeping on a tree but although we were to late because we were making to much sounds.

New figure
Blenabutterfly: Ugh could a girl get some sleep!?

(End chapter)
Guys I've made the next chapter on here hope y'all like it again thanks for the support!!!!!

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now