Cha 12. Back to Earth.

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Once of a great while it became daylight on earth soon as Chloe went an wake up On rascal's Shoulder
She didn't notice it was getting really really late or the morning since she didn't have her phone with her.

(Before we get started I just wanted to say yes they have "Phones&Technology"In there homes.
Somehow Chloe forgot her phone lol.
Oh and the age of the characters of the ship
Rascal 18 and Chloe 16 just a quick reminder
Anyways hope you enjoy it.🌙)


Rascal was still asleep and all night when Chloe looked outside of the balcony and watched the daylight of the far ahead stars an sun.
Glitter Breeze?
Said Rascal as he woke up just in time.

Chloe: I'm glad I had an nice night an day walking with you but I have to get home or my friends and family wood be worried.

As she said in a worry face

Rascal: Oh well ok I'll take you home.

Chloe: Ok oh and FYI I still can't let my friends see you when we get there.

Rascal: I Know I Know you've said that Like a couple of times already through out your days when you're not busy.

He said in a conference&confuse way.

Chloe: oh ya right hahahaha

Soon as she Took a second glare at the glass slipper she wood wonder to this day about it so she wouldn't tell her friends about it only to make Rascal feel good an better.

An although she would remain him about that Huge heart in the despair of the black&light Phoenix egg
Or maybe something else in the hole place in the shadow realm.

~ Flying Back Home.

Once in a while through going back to Earth Chloe was wondering that she could gave him a sleepover an have tea with him at home since that her parents and grandparents can't see him because Rascal obviously has powers of all even turning invisible.

When she took a second glare of him while flying through home of the night sky she wanted to ask him a question though everything that they've done but although He's was talking first.

Rascal: Did you have fun with me Deary ?
Chloe: Yes an TY for flying me home.
Rascal: My pleasure.
Chloe: I've Never flew with you before Since I forgot my glitter pack just in case we get into trouble.

Rascal: Why do you need it?
Chloe: Just asking if there monsters attacking us.

She said in a wired form face at him

Rascal: Haha Darling I am the only person in my Realm there's no monsters around here in our ending why would you ask a silly question like that?

Chloe: Just curious no reason.
Rascal: How come?
Chloe: If there's one person like you who's weak or nice an can't summon the bad ending with terrible dark magic wouldn't hurt anymore people. But if there's so much more with your friends probably wood summon it.

Rascal: My friends are gone there pixies I've seen the hole situation though you and the others so that's why I can't change them back because you gave my story book a available lesson In need of Niceness when me melting into goo.

Chloe: Yes that's right.

Rascal: So yeah That's why I'm Certain of it but it doesn't matter don't ask about it.

As he was confused about his friends that he would or wouldn't see them again.

Chloe: Rascal I know how you feel.
She said as he carried her up to the sky.

Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^ Where stories live. Discover now