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"I'm sorry, let me get this straight. While I was in detention, you three snuck out to see Hagrid about the stone and now you need my help sneakers dragon out of the castle because dragon are real?!" I whisper yelled as we all stood in an empty corridor

"Yes that's exactly what we're saying, so you'll help us?" Ron asked

"How are we sneaking it out?" I asked and they smiled

"I texted my brother Charlie, he said he'll be here tonight." Ron explained showing me the conversation and I nodded

"Great now all we need to do is not get caught." I mumbled and they nodded


The four of us walked under Harry's invisibility cloak as we made our way to Hagrid's

"Hagrid!" Ron whispered knocking on the door and it swung open. Once we were all inside we pulled the cloak off and I looked over at the small dragon

 Once we were all inside we pulled the cloak off and I looked over at the small dragon

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"Aww he's cute." I smiled using my index finger to stroke the top of his head

"Ow! Shit!" I screamed when he sneezed and accidentally blew fire on my hand

"Violet are you alright?" Hagrid panicked

"I'll be fine, let's just get him out of here." I mumbled wrapping my hand in a towel as Hagrid placed him in a basket for us to carry him out.

"Charlie said to meet him at the Astronomy tower in five minutes." Ron read out his text

"Let's go then." Harry muttered as Hagrid through the cloaked over us and Ron gripped the basket to his chest


"Shoot, he burn a hole through the basket." Ron whispered gesturing to the burn on his arm

"We're almost there." Harry whispered

"Hello? Is...is there someone there?" A familiar voice called out, sounding as though they'd been crying and we froze as Draco came into view.

"I heard you! Sh..show yourself!" He said with his wand raised and Harry yanked the cloak off of us

"Ahhh-" Draco was cut off by me putting my good hand over his mouth

"Are you trying to get us in trouble?!" I whispered yelled and he rapidly shook his head

"I'm gonna move my hand, and you're not gonna scream alright?" I asked and he nodded so I slowly moved my hand.

"What are you guys doing out of bed?" He whispered confused

"We could ask you the same thing Malfoy." Ron pointed out rather rudely

"I was...um...I was on the phone with my father." He sighed sadly

"We have to keep moving." I whispered cutting off whatever comment was about to come out of Ron's mouth

⚡️💜Ultra Violet💜⚡️[MCUxHarry Potter]Where stories live. Discover now