24. Hermione

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While Ron and Harry went off to do who knows what I made my way to Ginny's dorm and knocked on the door.

"Oh hello Violet, what can I do for you?" One of Ginny's roommates named Octavia smiled

"Hey, is Ginny here?" I asked and she shook her head

"I haven't really seen much of her these days. Used to be in her all the time writing in that book of her's and now she's only ever in here at night." She explained almost sadly

"Do you know where I might be able to find her?"

"Try the library." She smiled and I nodded

"Thank you Octavia, have a good rest of you night." I mumbled and she nodded closing the door.


I made my way through the castle looking all for Ginny after seeing that she hadn't been in the library.

"Violet? What are you doing out? It's almost curfew." Percy called from behind me as I was walking down an empty corridor

"I'm actually looking for Ginny, you haven't seen her have you?" I asked walking over to him and he thought for a moment before shaking his head

"Not since lunch. I assumed she was in her dorm, did you check there?" He questioned and I nodded

"First place I checked, Octavia told me to check the library but she wasn't there either." I sighed m

"Have you tried calling her?"

"And texting, you're her brother, you've known her longer. Is she always by herself his much, this quite? Even over the summer she was always running around with Ron an I or the twins. Do you think she's ok?" I asked worried and he placed a hand on my shoulder

"Violet I think you're worring to much, if there was something wrong she would have gone to one of us about it. I'm sure she's just trying to adjust to her surroundings." He said softly

"But Percy-"

"Violet, I promise. If Ginny needed help she would have come to me, or Ron, or Fred, or George, or even you now. Ginny is fine, who you need to think about is you." He informed looking directly into my eyes in a similar manner to the way T'Challa does when he wants me to be calm. Must be some universal big brother thing

"What do you mean me?"

"Violet in the year and a half that I've known you, your focus has always been everyone else. Not that it's a bad thing but do you think maybe, you might be looking for problems where there aren't any?" He questioned and a sighed

"I just want to help."

"And you do, by far you help so much. Now come on, I'll walk you back to the common room before my rounds." He smiled holding his hand out for me to grab so I did


"Thank you Percy." I mumbled hugging him and he smiled

"No problem, now go get some sleep." He said pushing me towards the opened portrait and I nodded


"It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be." Hermione immediately defended after Harry told us the story about Tom Riddle and Hagrid from 50 years ago

"We don't even know this Riddle. He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch to me." Ron pointed out and I nodded in agreement

"The monster had killed someone, Ron. What would any of us done?" He asked

"But Harry, Hagrid's our friend. Everyone knows he'd never hurt anyone." I said

"Why don't we just go ask him about it?" Hermione questioned

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