69. Trying to kill Violet

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I was walking down the corridor towards the greenhouse meet Neville when I came face to face with Pansy

"Afternoon Parkinson, what can I do for you?" I sighed

"I made these for you, thought we could start over." She smiled holding out a small box of cookies and I gave her an 'Are you for real?' look

"Thanks...this wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that someone wants me dead would it?" I questioned skeptically and she let out a dramatic obviously fake gasp

"Someone wants you dead? Why would anyone want that?!" She asked as her voice raised an octave and I rolled my eyes

"You're a bad actress Pansy, who wants me dead and why?" I questioned crossing my arms

"What makes you think I know anything?" She asked still trying to keep up the act

"Oh? So you wouldn't mind sharing these cookies with me then? After all it would seem rude to just eat them in front of you." I said hold to box towards her and she paled

"No thanks, I made those for you."

"Really I insist." I smiled and she let out a frustrated groan

"Dracowassupposedtokillyouandifitwasn'tforyourpatheticfriendshipyouwouldbedeadalready!" She yelled in a jumble of anger

"Well isn't that a shame." I shrugged with a small laughed

"You're insane, why are you laughing?" She asked confused

"You two are probably the worst assassins I've ever met." I muttered shoving the box in her hands and walking away


"So what are you going to do?" Hermione asked after I told her about Pansy and Draco


"Oh my god, don't tell me you were planning to not do anything at all." She groaned

"Ok I won't tell you." I shrugged responding to a text from Molly

"Violet! You can't just sit there and do nothing. If you know who's trying to kill you, you have to tell Minnie."

"She'll send me home and you know it. Think about it, they're trying to kill me because Voldemort told them too. And not going to lie, in all the times someone has tried to kill me...Draco and Pansy are the worst at this." I shrugged nonchalantly

"You do know it's not normal for someone to want to kill you right?"

"Seems pretty normal for us at this point. What's a year at Hogwarts without a near death experience. Anyway do you wanna go with me to the library? I want to get a Herbology book." I smiled over at her and she rolled her eyes with a frustrated groan

"Remind me, how are you the mom of the group?" She asked getting up from her bed

"Because I'm level headed in tense situations and you guys are my children."


A week later

A week later

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