88. Epilogue

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19 years later
September 1st, 2042

"Kids! Let's go! I'm not getting in trouble with Minnie because you missed the train again!" I yelled before turning to Fred who looked absolutely exhausted

"Remind me again, never to host the end of summer sleepovers the night before we have to be at the station." I mumbled and he nodded



"Auntie Vi! I can't find my wand!" Rose yelled from somewhere upstairs

"Check you're ear!" Lily(Harry&Draco) yelled from where she stood in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal

"Got it!"

"Kids! You have six minutes to be in the fire place to get on the train! I don't care which fire place but pick one and get in it!" Hermione yelled as she entered the house

"Zane! Give me my phone!" Scorpius yelled as the boys chased each other  down the stairs

"No running on the stairs!" Harry yelled

"This place is a zoo!" Lee said looking around as he and George walked inside

"Tell me about it." I sighed grabbing my youngest by the back of his shirt as he tried to zoom past me

"King, no super speed in the house. How many times have I told you that this week?" I asked looking down at him

"Sorry Mama." I mumbled and I let him go as he walked over to his brother

"Alright! Last one to the Station is doing the dishes after Christmas dinner!" Ron yelled, it was an empty threat of course but it definitely worked as the large pile of trunks and school bags in the entrance hall got smaller and smaller.


Once we all got to the station I was holding King on my hip while Ryder and Avannia my youngest set of twins held Freddie's hands as she was telling everyone where to go.

"Tell Hagrid we said hi when you see him ." Teddy and Freddie said to the first years of the bunch.

"We will!"

"Mummy! What if I don't get into the house I want." Eloise, Ginny and Luna's daughter asked nervously

"You be just fine Ella. That hat is never wrong." Luna smiled

"I'm so nervous."Hugo muttered

"Hey, no need to be nervous. Harry and Neville will be there not to mention all your siblings, cousins, and friends will be there. You'll do just fine, and you have your phone so you can always call me." Ron smiled kneeling down to his son's height

"I wanna go to the castle." Aria mumbled as she sat on her mother's hip

"And you will, when you're old enough." Ginny smiled at her daughter

"Where's Maria?" Draco asked looking around as he held her wand

"Here! I'm here! I've been looking everywhere for that." The brunette said rushing over to him.

The train whistle blew as everyone rushed to hug their parents and younger siblings before rushing to find a seat.

"Bye!" The children yelled waving from the train windows

"Is that everyone?" Fred asked hopefully

"I count 12." Ron said after counting the kids on the train

"I got 14." Draco said

"Well both of those numbers aren't enough. If Minnie calls, you're answering the phone." Fred said looking at Lee

"What? Why do I have to answer the phone?" Lee asked with wide eyes

"We hosted the sleepover." I pointed out.

"You offered!" George pointed out

"Mama I'm hungry." King mumbled leaning his head on my shoulder

"I know love, we're going Gran's for breakfast remember?" I asked him and he eyes widened

"With the fairies?!" He asked excitedly referring to the large population of fairies that now lived next to the burrow

"Yes with the fairies." Fred smiled

"Wait! I'm missing a baby!" Dean yelled and I turned to see him holding Jayden and Jayda

"I've got her, love." Seamus laughed holding their 4 year old as she slept against his shoulder

"How many phone calls you reckon we'll get this year?" George asked as we watched the train leave our sight

"To many to count." Hermione sighed

"Was that a firework, it hasn't even been five minutes?" Percy asked looking at the train

"Yep." Freddie and Teddy said in unison as we shook our heads sighing

"Let's get out of here before they turn the train around." Bill joked and we all nodded in agreement

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