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"Remember, any sign of movement close your eyes." Harry whispered as we all looked around the area we'd landed in. The floor was littered in tiny animal skeletons and the air had a thick musk

"What's that? Up ahead?" Ron asked nervously as he pointed at something

"That looks like a... snake." Lockhart shrieked slapping his hands over his eyes and we all turned to look at him for a moment

"Maybe it's asleep." Harry suggested. I pulled my wand from the pocket of my robe and walked forward.

"It's...skin..." I gasped

"Bloody hell. Whatever shed this
must be twenty feet long. Or more." Ron added when we heard a thud, the three of us turnstile see Lockhart passed out on the ground.

"Heart of a lion, this one." Ron sighed as he went over to check on the man. Just as Ron was kneeling down Lockhart's eyes snapped open and he snatched Ron's wand from his hand

"The adventure ends here, boys!But don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl. How you two tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. I'll even bind a limited edition in this snake skin. Say goodbye to your memories." Lockhart said raising the broken wand

"Obliviate!"He shoots and Ron's wand exploded sending blast into the rocks above and rubble rained down towards us as we all jumped in different directions to avoid the blast.

When the dust settled I looked up to see a solid wall of Rock in front of probably the only exit. I looked around and my eyes landed on Harry so I ran over to him just as he sat up.

"Harry, Harry are you ok?" I asked look around as he nodded getting up. I panicked when I didn't see Ron.

"Ron? Are you okay?" Harry asked

"Ron?"I called

"I'm okay. This git's not, though. He got blasted by my wand." Ron announced from the other side of the rocks and I let out a breathe of relief

"What now?" Ron asked after a moment

"Wait here. We'll go on. We'll go on and... find Ginny. If aren't back in an hour..." I sighed leaving the sentence open ended

"I'll try and shift some of this rock. So you can get back through. And, guys-"

"We'll see you in a bit." Harry finished

"Let's do this thing." I muttered holding my hand out to Harry and he nodded.


We arrived in the heart of the chamber and the first thing I noticed was the giant statue of Salazar Slytherin before my eyes landed on Ginny.

"Oh god." I gasped as Harry and I ran towards her.

"Ginny! Please don't be dead. Wake up! Wake up! Ginny!" Harry pleaded as I gently shook her.

"She won't wake." An unfamiliar voice called and I looked up to see a ghost like boy dressed in an older version of the Slytherin school robes

"Tom... Tom Riddle? What d'you mean, she won't wake? She's not..." Harry asked as I glanced down at the diary Ginny had in her hands that had his name on it:

T.M. Riddle

Oh I don't like this at all.

"She's still alive. But only just." He spoke

"Are you a ghost?" Harry asked keeping the conversation going as I was putting the pieces together in my mind

"A memory. Preserved in a diary for fifty years." He replied

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