Chapter 6 : The Waiting

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As Hayley and the Professor got closer to Gringotts, Hayley was able to see Professor Mcgonagall, standing next to the bronze doors, talking to a father and son duo. "Thank you, Professor," saying that the man and his son went inside Gringotts.

"My job is done here, I am leaving," said Professor Snape, after he and Hayley went near Professor Mcgonagall. "Thank you for helping me today professor," said Hayley, slightly bowing her head, Professor Snape gave her a look of acknowledgement, before disappearing off into the crowd.

Professor Mcgonagall inquired Hayley about her day in Diagon Alley. She gushed about everything she saw. When she was telling the professor about the other professor, Gilderoy Lockhart, she noticed that her expressions went stiff, and was curious about how other staff felt about working with Gilderoy, seeing as both Mcgonagall and Snape didn't seem very glad to be working with him.

They were walking back to the Leaky Cauldron to go into the Muggle world. When they crossed Flourish and Blotts, Professor Mcgonagall asked Hayley to wait outside and went inside and made a purchase. They talked about Quidditch, till they reached Leaky Cauldron. They went out of the pub and into the muggle world. Now that Hayley had seen the Wizarding World, the muggle world seemed bizarre to her.

They got on the bus going to O'Connell Street. During the bus ride, Hayley asked Mcgonagall, about the subject she teaches at Hogwarts, and the whole ride was drowned in talks about Transfiguration. After getting down the bus, they stopped at a restaurant and had a late lunch.

Hayley felt a pit forming in her stomach at the thought of returning to the orphanage. She dreaded going back there after what she saw today. She wanted to go back to the world she belonged to.

When they reached the orphanage, Mcgonagall stopped Hayley before they could go in. And handed Hayley the two books, she had purchased at Flourish and Blotts, with a small smile. Hayley gave the professor a puzzled look, "Consider it as a Birthday Present," said Professor Mcgonagall. Hayley felt overwhelmed, as she had never received many presents, Claire and the Orphanage's old Caretaker were the only ones who gifted her something.

Hayley took the book in her hands and read the titles out loud, 

"Hogwarts: A History and Modern Magical History,"

"They will help you know more about our world and it will be easy for you to accommodate yourself there" replied Professor Mcgonagall.

"Thank you so much, Professor, you've helped me a lot today," said Hayley with a toothy grin, Professor McGonagall gave her a nod and they went inside the orphanage.

"Take your trunk and go upstairs Hayley, I will come to you after I finish talking with your Caretaker," said Professor Mcgonagall, Hayley obediently went upstairs along with the trunk. When we came upstairs the kids there moved away from her, even though it stung her lightly, she did not mind it anymore. She tucked the trunk safely under her bunk bed and waited.

A while later, Professor Mcgonagall came upstairs. "Have you kept the ticket to Hogwarts express safely?" she asked, to which Hayley nodded. "I will come and pick you up around 10 o'clock on the 1st of September, to take you to King's Cross. You won't face much trouble here till then, I took care of it" said Mcgonagall. Though Hayley didn't know what the Professor took care of she went along with it.

"Goodbye then, until we meet again," said Mcgonagall, "Goodbye Professor, thank you once again for helping me," said Hayley. Mcgonagall gave her a nod, performing leaving the place.

As the Professor promised Hayley faced no trouble in the orphanage in the forthcoming days, the kids didn't bother her and Ms Mildred also did not talk to her. She couldn't wait for the 1st of September, to go to Hogwarts.

Hayley received a letter from Claire, about her parents and their home. As much as Hayley wanted to reply to the letter, she didn't want to push her luck, which for once, was on her side. If she asked Ms Mildred, she might say something which would make Hayley angry, which would result in a disaster, she remembered Professor Mcgonagall telling her that underage wizardry was not allowed. She didn't want to get into any trouble even before she got to Hogwarts.

She poured herself all over the books she had got and tried to remember every single thing mentioned in those. The books seemed more interesting than any book she has ever read. She even started to take notes from those books, in parchments, though it took her some time to get used to writing in quills.

She read the book Hogwarts: A history, firstly. Her desire to go to Hogwarts quadrupled, to see the moving staircases, talking portraits, Ghosts and numerous other things. After finishing it, she took the book, Modern Magical History. It contained many important milestones in the wizarding world, since the 1800s. A major part of the book was about a Dark Wizard named Lord Voldemort, and the one-year-old boy who defeated him. It baffled Hayley, that people never dared to say the name Voldemort, and always referred to him as He-who-must-not-be-named or You-know-who. She read that the Dark Wizard committed heinous crimes. She got to know how other wizards and witches, who were not on his side, were tortured and killed and how he had murdered muggles in gruesome ways, it all seemed so scary. She imagined how would it feel to lose someone like that.

What baffled her the most, was the fact that a one-year-old boy defeated someone like Voldemort. How was that even possible?... How could a baby, defeat a Dark Wizard who sent chills down the spine. She saw in the book that the boy, Harry Potter, was born in the year 1980, which means he would also be going to Hogwarts now. Hayley was looking forward to meeting him.


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With Love

K. T Scarlett.

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