Chapter 18 : All That Starts Well Ends Well

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Hayley had finally decided on what she would gift Xan and Jae on Christmas. Many a times, when she and Xan talk in their common room Jae couldn't participate, so she thought of way to convey him about important stuff they talk.

She had an idea, about connecting two rolls of parchment in such a way that they're linked. Writings on piece of parchment, would appear on the other. It was similar to using fax or telegrams in the muggle world. Though she found it extremely hard to make the idea viable. For now she only accomplished one way communication, and even though that, the words sometimes go missing or get jumbled.

She spent the whole night in her bed with the curtains drawn shut and trying to tweak her invention, but it wasn't useful in the slightest.

The next morning tired and sleep deprived, Hayley stumbled out of the bathroom in a hurry, and that's when Pansy Parkinson blocked her way, showing off her signature smug look, which reminds Hayley of a pig.

"Are you a first year?" She asked in a puffed up voice, "Yes... " Hayley answered uncertainly, "Do you know a Hayley?" She asked, her eyes boring on Hayley's face. Hayley hesitated for a moment, before she said, "I am her, I'm Hayley,"

"Oh I know! " She replied,

"Then why would you ask? " Hayley asked, choosing her words carefully, Parkinson was not someone you mess with, and get away, she was very capable of spreading the most absurd rumours about you which would have you glancing over your shoulder for atleast 3 months.

"I just wanted to see how you'd react, and I needed to know if you would bluff to me, which you didn't and that's good for you," She said,

"Ok? " Hayley replied,

"So now spill, are you and your tailing Potter and his minions?" She asked, her eyes enlarging,

"No! " Hayley replied too quickly,

"Ha! I know you're lying! Draco caught your friend Sayre sneaking behind Potter last night!" She said with a smug look.

Hayley's eyes shook between Pancy and the group of girls standing behind her, in her eyes they seemed like a bunch of Vultures ready to devour her.

"I'll let it slip, that you lied to my face, but if you find anything about Potter and his gang, you come straight to me, and tell me everything. While you're at it, try digging some dirt on Granger. Nice talk, and if I find out you're lying to me, it'll get ugly, " She told with a crazed look grazing her eyes.

Hayley nodded before scurrying away from the place as soon as possible, mentally noting every insult, she was going to throw at Xan when she sees him.

Meanwhile in the great hall,

"I messed up," Xan said groaning into his hands, "How big on a scale from a Ghoul to a troll? " Asked Jae, chewing on his toast.
"Two trolls," Xan said sighing.

"What happened? " Jae asked looking penseive,

"Malfoy found out I was spying on Potter and his friends," Xan said,

"Uh oh, does Hayley know?" He asked,

"She doesn't but if she does, she's going to kill me," Xan said,

"Well then it's been good knowing you, because a very very pissed looking Hayley is charging at you as we speak, " Jae told with a smirk,

"HOW COULD YOU GET CAUGHT BY MALFOY OF ALL PEOPLE?" Hayley aggressively whisper shouted, she sat on the Slytherin table smacking Xan's head,

"Ouch! " Xan whined,

"You deserved that!" Hayley said, as she hurriedly piled breakfast on a plate,

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