Chapter 11 : The Beginning Of A Friendship

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It was a hazy Sunday morning as Hayley and Xanthus were waiting for Ri Jae to roam around the Castle. "You said 10:00, it's 10: 03, he's late," said an irked Xanthus,

"He's just three minutes late, give it a rest," said Hayley.

Just then Ri Jae came down the stairs and ran towards Hayley and Xan before skidding to a stop. He looked slightly dishevelled as he started speaking,

"I'm sorry for being a bit late guys, I was supposed to send my parents a letter, but then I forgot it, so I had to go back to the common room to get it, but then the door gave me a difficult question which I couldn't answer as quickly as I would've liked to... I'm rambling... I'll stop, though can we stop by the owlery?",

Xanthus blankly stared at him, while Hayley let a light giggle and nodded.

The trio reached the Owlery on the top of the west tower.

"Maximus! Where are you?" asked Ri Jae, in a sing-song voice. A grey eagle owl swooped down towards them, circling their heads before sitting on Ri Jae's shoulder, and nibbled his ear affectionately.

"Did you miss me, Max? I know it's your sleeping time, but I need you to give the letter to Mum and Dad, please?" Ri Jae asked, the owl got down from his shoulder and stocked out his leg for Ri Jae to tie the letter.

"What is that script, Ri Jae?" Hayley asked pointing towards the cover of the letter,

"Oh that's Korean," said Ri Jae,

"So, do you live in Korea?" asked Xanthus,

"Well... Not always, my parents love to travel, so we are always on the move, though for now my family has settled in London," said Ri Jae. After Maximus flew out of the window and faded into the distance they stepped out of the Owlery.

"So now what?" Asked Ri Jae,

"Now, we explore the Castle, I bet there are lots of secret passages and shortcuts," Hayley said,

"Though we need stay clear of Filch, this week when Hayley and I took a slightly longer route from Charms to the common room, he caught us and gave us detention for loose adherence to rules, it was just lines but still we had to spend about 45 minutes in his office," said Xanthus, with an unnerved expression.

"So where do we start?" Asked Ri Jae,

"The basement. I have a theory that needs testing," said Xanthus with a mischievous spark in his eyes.

The three first-years hurried to the basement. The basement was stone covered and had lots of Portraits of food hanging on the walls.

"Now what?" Asked Hayley,

"Patience Hayley, I'm trying to find it," said Xanthus his eyes scanning the food portraits.

"We should keep a watch for other students, the Hufflepuff common room is close," Ri Jae said to which Hayley agreed. After some time Xanthus whisper shouted ,

"Got it! This must be it!",

Hayley and Ri Jae went to Xanthus, who was standing in front of a painting of a fruit bowl.

"So this is why we came here... To see a painting of a fruit bowl..." Hayley said in a sarcastic tone.

"Patience," said Xanthus once more, as he tickled the pear in the painting which giggled and then transformed into a green handle.

"Wicked..." gasped Ri Jae as Xanthus opened the newly formed door. Hayley gasped and said

"Is that what I think it is?", Xanthus gave a grin as he opened his arms wide and said, " Welcome, to the Hogwarts Kitchen,".

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