Chapter 22 : And The Holidays Begin

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The crowd staying back for Christmas got further more thinned with the Heir causing two more attacks. Most of the parents wanted their children to come back home.

The Slytherin's cauldron of gossip was bubbling and frothing with all the tension around. Most of them were receiving word from their families that Dumbledore would soon be sacked and that the school will only be open to purebloods. Most of them being Malfoy.

"My father told it's not going to be long before the old geezer gets sacked. And frankly this is overdue. What does he think he's doing? Fraternising with Mudbloods and what not, obviously Hogwarts is better off without him," Draco drawled, and the group of students agreed to him.

Xan and Hayley watched this from the corner of the common room by the windows. By now Hayley had learnt to tune out the word Mudblood out of their conversations. She didn't know if it was a good or bad thing.

"What do you think?" Hayley asked,

"About what? " Xan asked whilst polishing his precious telescope,

"Dumbledore... " Said Hayley,

"Well I wouldn't say he's a bad wizard, but maybe old age is catching up to him and he's going whack? For one, he's not very good at hiring staff and secondly, why is he even allowing students to stay here? Clearly it's unsafe, if I were headmaster I would've probably sent all the students home by now, rather safe than sorry, " He said,

Then Hayley thought, if they were asked to leave, where would she go to? The orphanage? She'd much rather stay here than go back there. Some people just didn't have a home to return to.

"What are you thinking? " Xan asked,

"Nothing, " Hayley said quickly looking out the window,

"Well your face clearly tells you have something to say," Said Xan,

"Well... I was just thinking where I would go to, if they did ask us to leave," Hayley said fiddling with her fingers,

"You would come to my place of course! " Xan said shaking his head as if it were the most obvious thing. Hayley looked at him in surprise.

"My mum already asked me to invite you to stay for summer so," He trailed as though he had got this all planned way early,

"What? ", Hayley let out a small yell, her eyes widening,

Xan just shrugged in response.

" I can't possibly stay that long at your house Xan! Summer Holidays are for two months not a week! " Hayley said,

"So what? " Xan asked innocently,

"No! I don't want to be an inconvenience! " Hayley persisted,

"Nonsense," Xan said


Before she could finish Xan got up from the window sill and walked to his dorm,

"Xan! " Hayley yelled,

"Can't hear you! " He yelled back,

"Stop! " She yelled again,

"Can't hear you! " He yelled louder before disappearing out of sight.

Hayley grumbled under her breathe but she couldn't fight off the smile in her face. Though she was still a bit unsure she felt glad she was welcomed somewhere.


"Are you one hundred percent sure your mum invited me? " Hayley asked Xan for th 17th time,

"Merlin's sock! How many times are going to ask me that? " Xan asked as he dragged his trunk down the stairs,

"As many times as it takes for me to be sure! " Hayley said,

"You know why don't you just come along with me now and ask my mum yourself," Xan said rolling his eyes, while Hayley continued to stare at him.

"Wait," Xan grunted as he bent down to rummage in his trunk. He took out a piece of parchment and thrusted it into Hayley's hand,

"Check out the last paragraph if you still don't believe it, " Xan said,

It was bad enough that she was reading her letter so just chose to see the line which caught her eye- Don't forget to invite Hayley over for summer, I know we still have a lot of time but still.

Sure enough there was the invite. Xan snatched back the letter and shoved into his trunk.

"Wow.... , I- thank your mum on my behalf won't you, tell her I'm really glad and that I really really really appreciate this and-"

"Yeah yeah, if you don't mind I have a train to catch," He said cutting Hayley off.

Hayley just shook her head and made a mental note to send a small Christmas greeting to his mum to reciprocate.

Just then Jae ran over to them and skidded to a stop.

"Hope- I'm not-late-" He gasped out, trying to catch his breath,

"Just in time, " Xan acknowledged,

"Owl me immediately, if something happens, or if you guys find out something, " Xan said looking between them,

Hayley smiled inward knowing they would no longer need to use owls with her creation being released for Christmas.

"So so far we have shortlisted down to-"

"Ten potions, ", Jae completed for Xan.

"7 beautification potions, 2 treating skin diseases and one very powerful potion, " Hayley said,

"Polyjuice, seriously what were they thinking, inventing a potion to bloody look like someone, I mean it's wicked but you get what I'm trying to say, " Xan said grimacing,

"Anyways we will hold down the fort while you're gone, " Jae said.

Soon they said their goodbyes to Xan who started whining about the part he has to attend.

After five minutes of coaxing, arguing and threatening he finally left.

Hayley and Jae quickly gathered their stationary items and headed up to the library.

"We should just ask Pince to give us a special table here seeing how much time we spend here, " Jae said,

"Just be happy she doesn't kick us out, " Hayley said.


The holidays were going by with completing the endless mounts of homework. They free time they had left was dedicated to playing gobstones and finding the mystery potion.

The list gad narrowed down by now consisting of five potions, sadly Polyjuice was still one of them.

In the spirit of Christmas Eve Jae and her abandoned all other work and spent the full day trying to play every wizarding game in existence including wizarding chess which Hayley sucked at much to Jae's joy.

After dinner they both went to their common rooms anticipating the clock to hit twelve.

Hayley was happy to have the whole dorm room to herself and happily sunk into her four poster bed. She felt excited for Christmas after a very long time.

With Jae's help she was even able to find a wizard posting service which sent muggles posts in their regular way, stamps and all. It felt good to write to Claire after so long, she really missed her. She had to come up with a story of a boarding school scouting her to join them. Claire was going to have a lot of questions but oh well.



And loook at that she updates!
More of a filler chaptee but seriously all of my chapter seem like fillers but what the heck✨

Anyways until later,

With Love ❤,
K. T Scarlett

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