Chapter 26 : Give Me Your Broom

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"We can explain, " Jae started as Xan had dragged them out to the corridor,

"Well I sure hope so for the sake of you both! " He said crossing his arms,

"We obviously didn't have the intention of hiding anything from, just some harmless fun, " Hayley said raising her arms,

"Try spending time having pointed out how entirely different you are from your entire family and then have your friends ignore you, " Xan muttered angrily, a second later he looked like he regretted saying it. Hayley and Jae shared a quick look feeling a small pit of guilt forming inside.

"Blimey Sayre that's not what we m-"

"Never mind, " Xan cut off Jae looking anywhere else but their faces.

Hayley realised, Xan might pretend as much as he likes that nothing no one ever does would get to him, but in reality he was just scared of letting people know that he actually feels it.

"Well... There's still a lot of time left before we need to the dorms, we could tell you what's been happening," Hayley said breaking the silence, pointing to their usual spot in the Slytherin table.

"Yes and we are in dire need of your expertise, " Jae said agreeing with Hayley,

"Expertise huh, well get some food and water in me and I'll get working, " Xan said shoving his hands into his pockets with a sombre expression.

"After you my highness, " Jae said in a lofty voice as he did an exaggerated bow which Hayley mirrored. Xan walked thought the doors of the Great Hall with his head held high and his chin protruding out. They waved Luna a goodbye and went to their usual spot at the far end of the Slytherin table near the doors.

Xan immediately started stuffing his mouth with anything he could reach for on the table, Jae dramatically gaped, "Mumph and dad cahnf cookh to savhe their libhes, " Xan reasoned.

And the trio talked and talked for hourse going over everything that happened over the holidays.


The next day the term began and it was business as usual. Students getting up late, fighting to get in the showers and run to catch breakfast haphazardly dressing themselves.

The second year Slytherins were in a particularly foul mood, as they had to begin the term with Professor Binns, the man (ghost) who was capable of
entrancing the whole class into a deep slumber just by a greeting. The rest of the day went by a blur with all teachers piling up more and more homework.

Hayley, Xan and Jae regrouped near the great gall before dinner, sitting on the large window sill.

"So here's what we know so far, Potter disguised as Goyle and Weasley as Crabbe to infiltrate our common room in order to find who the heir of slytherin is. They were of the assumption that it was Malfoy, but now that they know that Malfoy himself is looking for the heir, they're fresh out of clues, " Xan summarised,

"Don't you think infiltrate is a strong word? " Jae said rising a brow, Xan gave a look which implied - do you really want to hear my explanation?

"And in between all thiss, polyjuice must've backfired on Hermione, she didn't show herself that day, nor did she attend any classes today from what I've gathered, " Hayley added,

"Serves her right for trying to turn into you, " Xan muttered,

"Sayre! " Jae exclaimed,

"What?! This is why I don't bloody trust Gryffindors, they act like they're all high and mighty but they are just as sly and backhanded as the others," Xan said rolling his eyes,

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