Chapter 25 : Came and Conquered

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To say the whole ordeal came as a shock would be an understatement. Hayley was already having a difficult time wrapping her head around the fact that Hermione managed to brew the polyjuice potion. But what really shocked her was the fact that Hermione initially planned on personating her.

She couldn't help but feel a slight twinge in her. It was not like her and Hermione were chums, but did she spend time with her for the sole purpose of securing a part of her?

She felt the urge to get out of the stall and ambush Hermione then and there bit controlled the urge. Eventually Hermione's ramble reached the point where she said she decided to go with Millicent Bulstrode instead. That made Hayley slightly better about the ordeal.

Later she could hear the boys shuffling out of the lavatory as Crabbe and Goyle. A few minutes later she could hear Hermione sobbing.

As much as Hayley didn't want to blow her cover, her resolve melted as she got out and gently knocked over the stall Hermione was in.

"Um who's in there? Any problem?" She called out trying to keep her voice indifferent.

"Please go away! " Hermione wailed,

"Hermione?? " Hayley spoke, hoping her voice delivered the right amount of stupefaction,

"Hayley? How long where you here? " Hermione asked trying to not her voice waver.

Straight to the point I see , Hayley thought.

"I just came in, to see Myrtle, " Hayley said,

"I see a cauldron here, were you brewing something? " She added feigning curiosity.

"Nothing! Nothing at all really! Just a harmless experiment!" Hermione replied abruptly,

"Well, do I need to call Madam Pomfrey? Hayley asked,

"No!" Hermione screeched.

"Can you come out? " Hayley asked,

"NO! " Hermione screeched louder.
"Can you just leave me please? " She asked,

"Well... Alright I s'pose, " Hayley muttered before leaving the place. She wanted to stay longer to know what Harry and Ron may have found but she couldn't blow her cover.


Her shoulders slightly slumped she walked back to her common room to find an anxious Jae pacing back and forth.

"Where were you?! I've been writing to you non stop! " He thundered. Jae never yells, at least not this way with eyes bulging out of his sockets and his arms flailing around, clutching the parchment he had been vigorously writing on to call Hayley.

Before Hayley could spew out her excuse, Jae started talking

"So I was just returning to the tower and everything was as normal as it could be, considering that it's late now, I was also trying to avoid Filch but that's not the point, I started hearing this heavy breathing from one of the broom closets and the first thing that came to my mind was that, what if it's creature from the chamber? I should've obviously started running but I was so scared I just froze, " He paused taking a deep breathe before continuing again,

"But then the more I listened to the sound it didn't sound so menacing anymore, so I obviously went ahead and opened the door, and Malfoy's friends... I can't remember their names, they just fell onto the floor and weren't waking up! It was like they were sedated or something, so I decided to go call Madam Pomfrey being the nice lad I am, but hear this, on my way to the hospital wing I saw those two blokes again! Can you believe it?!!"

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