Chapter 8 : Journey To Hogwarts

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As Hermione went to search for Harry and Ron, Ginny and Hayley started conversing. Ginny started talking about her family, she told that her dad works for the ministry, while her first brother Bill, works as a curse breaker for Gringotts and her second brother Charlie, works with Dragons in Romania. The rest of her brothers Percy, Fred, George and Ron study at Hogwarts, Percy is a prefect, while Fred and George, who were twins, were beaters for their house, Gryffindor's Quidditch team. She told Hayley that she also wanted to be sorted into Gryffindor, when she asked Hayley about her house preference, she told she didn't really have one.

Just then three tallboys, two of whom were twins, hayley assumed them to be Ginny's brothers, due to the same flaming red hair they shared,

"Settled in alright sis?" asked one of them,

"Yes," replied Ginny,

"And who might this be?" asked the other turning towards Hayley,

"Hello, I'm Hayley, also a first-year", they nodded understandingly and introduced themselves,

"I'm Fred, this is George and that's Lee, if you want any advise on rule-breaking, please approach us, don't be shy. We should get going now that the marketing is done, bye!", Ginny and Hayley waved at them as they walked away.

Sometime later Hermione came back to the compartment and sat down grumpily,

"I don't know where they are! I think they really did miss the train, I hope the school might arrange some other way for them to come" she finished thoughtfully.

Shortly Hayley and Ginny started bombarding Hermione with questions about Hogwarts and Hermione gave them very elaborate, detailed answers, from talking portraits to shifting staircases and from Ghosts to pretend walls. As Hermione was telling about Peeves the Poltergeist, a blonde-haired boy with a pointy nose, opened the compartment doors without permission. Two boys were accompanying him, standing at either side of the boy. Hayley recognised his face, from when she had seen him at Flourish and Blotts.

The blonde boy started talking with an obnoxious expression,

"Ah Granger! you're all alone? Where are Potter and Weasel? Did Potter get his head stuck up so far his arse, that he wasn't able to get out, and weasel is trying to pull him out?" he said in a drawling voice, to which the guys around him gave snickers.

Hayley saw that Ginny grew silent as though she was controlling her anger while Hermione glared at him and said, "Go away Malfoy, I'm not in a mood to deal with dimwits today",

Malfoy's expression darkened as he spoke, "Think you're so smart eh Granger, you'll see... big things await you this year," the boy turned to Ginny and continued talking with a fake pout,"And don't miss your boyfriend too much", Ginny turned red and the boys around him started laughing again.

Hayley thought they were boys who were trying to be bullies. The Malfoy boy who hadn't yet noticed Hayley turned to her,

"Hey you! I saw you the other day at Flourish and Blotts along with Professor Snape, what are you doing with them?" He asked her, with a slightly puzzled expression,

"You're getting off with the wrong lot here, or are you one of them...?" he asked with a perplexed expression,

Hayley just stared at him slightly narrowing her eyes.

"Your loss, associating with the wrong people can end you in some very sticky places and don't say I didn't warn you" he said, before walking with his friends as though he owned the train.

"Who is he? One of those Slytherins you warned me about?" Asked Hayley,

"Yeah," said Hermione,

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