Yucky Mommy (Cordelia)

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~My first attempt at writing I hope it's okay, please give me feed back or anything so I know what to do in the future.

Requested by mylittlepeaches 

Prompt: Y/n isn't feeling well and her mommy (Cordelia Goode) cares for her.

My head feels like it's spinning, my tummy hurts and I am so hot and sweaty. I roll over and see mommy is still asleep.

I get out from under the big heavy blankee and crawl towards mommy. I snuggle myself into her having it so half my body is on her.

Cordelias POV~~

I hear my little one shifting around, just thinking she's trying to get more comfortable but then I feel her basically fall on top of me whining?

I bring my arm out from under the blanket to rub her back to try and sooth her to sleep, as soon as my hand made contact with her skin I knew something was wrong.

My baby was so warm, "y/n, sweetheart can crawl off mommy for a second?"

She has her head buried into my chest and she shakes her head mumbling, "uh uh".

"Baby girl are you not feeling well? Let mommy feel your forehead." I peel myself away from y/n and she clutches at night shirt trying to pull me closer.

"No mommy stway!" I kiss her head and hug her tightly before pulling away again.

"Come on honey we need to cool you down and get you better, I think you are sick honey."

"Mommy I feel yucky, I dwon't want to."

"Sweet girl I know but mommy is going to help you come on." I mange to free myself from y/n. I pull the blankets off myself and stand up holding my arms out for her.

"Come on baby let's get you cooled down then we can cuddle all night and I won't let go." Y/n sits up and her messy hair sticking to her reddened cheeks.

"Pwomis!" She was a little grumpy not feeling well and it took everything in me to not giggle at the adorable sight in front of me.

"Yes I promise baby come on." She crawls over to me and I scoop her up and carry her to the bathroom.

Y/n POV ~~

Mommy carries me to the bathroom and try's to sit me on a stool but tighten my grip, "Nwoo mommy, stay."

"Y/n sweetheart I am just getting you cleaned up okay, we need to cool you off a bit. Just going to use run a bath." I sink to the floor feeling the cold tiles on my skin, making me whimper. Mommy goes to turn around but I grab her leg and cling to it.

"No bwath mommy, I don't wanna be alone." Mommy sighs before crouching to look into my eyes and place her hand on my forehead.

"Well then we will use a cold cloth and clean you up baby. Come on honey uppy uppy."I let go of mommy momentarily but then I am feel really really yucky.

"Mommy I twhink-"

Cordelia POV~~

I see y/n hold her stomach and get sick on the floor. I act fast and pull by sweet girls hair back and rub her back softy.

"Let it all out baby you are doing so well." Sweet y/n starts crying as soon as she's done and sits on the ground thrashing around.

"I sworry, I sworry." I coo telling her it's okay and she's okay, she makes grabbing hands whining and I bring her into my arms and she soon calms down.

"Y/n baby do you think you can stand up for mommy?" Y/n doesn't respond she just keeps her head in my chest.

I scoop her up and place her on the counter, brushing her teeth, cleaning her up with a cool cloth and get her fresh pj's.

I notice y/n isn't very comunitive anymore which makes me think maybe she has slipped further into her little space. Just incase I put her in a diaper and carry her to bed.

I lay y/n down placing pillows around her so she can't roll and clean up the bathroom before going down stairs to get something to help my baby feel better.

I get back to her as soon as I can and see her she's sniffling, thrashing in the bed trying to get comfortable. "Oh baby here sit up and drink this please."

I mange to sit her up but she pushes the spoon away, then opens her arms up trying to pull me closer to her. "No no baby cuddles after you take this it will make you feel better."

I bring the spoon to her again and she turns her face away. "Ucky! No ucky." I sigh

"As soon as you take this you can all the cuddles baby, we can even sleep in." She whines but opens her mouth.

I give her the medicine and then give her a sippy cup of water. "Well done baby, you are doing so well. Okay now let's go to bed."

I lay down and I see my baby smile for the first time tonight crawling into my arms.

I rub my baby's back, and sing her favourite lullaby. Not long after I hear little snores, I go to shut my eyes but then I feel y/n sucking my skin and stir a bit.

I grab her pacifier or paci and place into her mouth and she calms a bit and my baby is settled for the night. I give her one final kiss before closing my eyes.

"Goodnight y/n, I love you so so much."

Feedback, suggestions, comments would be greatly appreciated 😊

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