Caught red handed(Cordelia)

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Sorry this is late, I finished it around American thanksgiving but I then went off the app a bit 😬 but it's done 😊 hope you like it!

Requested by deliahhh333

TW: injury, blood
But fluffy


Y/n's POV

It was Mabon, a holiday of harvest and the time where day and night are equal. We were given the week off, majority of the girls went away or back home, I stayed at the academy.

Miss Robichaux's Academy was my new home, in staying I celebrated with my 'family' here.

Today was more quite everyone seems to be off doing their own things, enjoying the holidays. I went outside to enjoy the last bit of warmer weather before it cools.

New Orleans didn't reach freezing temperatures but you definitely miss the kisses of the sun.

The glow disappeared as the sun would hide longer.

I walk out into the yard, you can feel the slight shift in weather. The ground was colder, I feel the grass and dirt between my toes, they hold a slight chill compared to there usual warmth.

Seeing the birds glide in the sky's and the insect's explore the big world.  Oh what a happy busy place.

I go and sit in the tall brown grass watching the ants at work, spit bugs build there homes, lady bugs flaunt their bright shades.

I watch as the creatures bounce in the sky till my eyes land on the beautiful flyer on the bark.

I walk to the tree, pressing my palm against the wood as the fuzzy moth crawls on my hand, it's soft, fluffy, I pet the small creature feeling myself have a warmth take over.

Being in my favourite place always made me feel safe, comfortable, happy, free to be.

I appreciate the insects most though, that's where I first discovered my powers. I can sense living things, I can feel their warmth, cold, feel the pulse of there hearts if I focus.

My giggles subside but my moth friend stays, I decided maybe I should show them around.

"Lwets gwo!" I tell my little friend and I lead us to the green house.

"Dis is where thwe plwant fwamilies are!" I express to my moth.

The beige butterfly just stares with big dark eyes.

"Oh nos how rwude! You nweed a name!" How could I be so rude to my friend. "How abouts  beans" I smile proudly as beans wings flutter.

I lift my palm up letting them fly away, they stay close but explore the new space. I open the glass panel for it to leave if beans chooses so.

"Bye bye beans"  i walk around the green house caring for Cordelia's plants, I feel the leaves between my fingers.

This was Cordelia's happy place I've learned. I am not in here much since this is her special space like the grass is mine.

I admire all the growth, she's also hung some things to dry out.

Maybe I should harvest some plants are herbs for tonight's feast? I begin my search for the clippers,  she usually keeps them on the wall.

Finding the old stained garden sheets I begin to clip at the basil.

Beans comes and flys onto my head, "beannsss, lwook!" I express bringing the strong smelling leaf.

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