Dress up (Wilhemina)

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Prompt: Y/n gets into mommy's (Wilhemina Venable) closet and makeup while she's working in her office.

Requested by someone who is wanting to remain anonymous.

Y/n POV~~

Mommy came home early from work just to do more work in her office. She put on a cartoon for me in her office and gave me snacks.

I see mommy typing on her computer and I get up from my purple bean bag chair and tap on mommy's shoulder.

"Hmm what's up honey? Do you need to go potty again?"

"Mommy I am bored, can we pway pweaseeeee?"

"Mommy has some work to do after we can okay, I am almost done by the time your episode ends mommy will be done."

"Ughhh bwut I wanna play now mommy." Mommy raised her eyebrow at me giving me a warning look and I went and sat in my chair.

After sitting for like 100 minutes I decided to go find something fun. "Where you going y/n?"

"Colour books, I'll be right back mommy." Mommy nods and I am off to find something to cure my boredom.

I go into mine and moms room, I see mommy's closet is open. Pushing the door I am welcomed to a purple wonderland.

Mommy has so many nice clothes and shoes, I see a long purple dress that looks like something a princess would wear and I put it on. Mommy is super tall so it's really long on me that it drags on the ground.

Wearing mommy's dress I go into the bathroom and decide to play with all her makeup. Mommy never lets me use it without her but she's to busy and I wouldn't want to pull her away...

I put on some lip goo and eye powder, I looking so cute! I put my hair in pigtails and walk to the living room looking for more to do.

Wilhemina POV~~

Y/n has been gone for a while I was starting to get nervous. I got up and went searching for her, I first checked the upstairs bathroom and there was no sign of her.

I went into our room and I see y/n's clothes on the ground? "Y/n darling are you in here?" I pop my head into the bathroom and see my makeup kit spilt on top of the counter.

Oh boy what am I in store for, I go down stairs and see y/n. Her hair is in two very messy pigtails, wearing one of my dresses and poorly applied makeup smeared all over her adorable face.

I can't help but chuckle at the sight capturing her attention, "hello what did my little one get up too? Mommy looked away for 5 minutes."

Y/n jumps on top of the couch and throws her arms up with the goofiest grin on her face. "I a pwincess mommy!"

I walk over to her and kiss her forehead, "I see that baby, the most stunning princess in all the land."

Y/n's POV~~

Mommy kisses me again and gives me a big hug and I jump off the couch. "Careful little one."

"Are you dwone work now mommy?"

"Yes baby I am, what do you want to do?" I take mommy's hand and drag her behind me.

"Where are we going sweetheart and in such a hurry. Do you need to go potty?" I roll my eyes and she rises her eyebrow at me. Mommy hates 'the attitude' she calls it.

"Nwooo mommy, you need to be a princess too cwome on!" I hear mommy laugh and follow after me.

"Sit here mommy I'll be swuper fast!" I go into mommy's closet and pick out another one of her long dresses and give it to her.

"Mommy gwet dressed we have fwancy tea to get too!" I run into the bathroom and pick up all mommy's makeup and put it back in it's bag.

I then bring it into the bedroom and dumb it on the bed, "oh and what's all this?"

"Ah mwakeup duh mommy."

"Yes baby but what do you intend on doing with it little one?"

"Mommy this is swerious matter, we nweed to be rweady."

"Well alright" mommy goes to grab some of her makeup and I cover it with my hand.

"Nwo mommy I need do it!"

"You mean you need to do it." I nods and she sighs closing her eyes and faces me.

I do mommy's fancy makeup and she looks even more beautiful, didn't think it was possible. I then put her hair up in a high bun.

Once I am done I go to the front of mommy and look at my master makeover.

"Ta dah! All done!"

"Shall we attend this tea princess y/n" I grab mommy's hand and take her downstairs and go to the living room.

As we walk done the hall mommy see herself in the mirror and pauses to look at herself. I pull on her arm, "come on mommy!"

"Oh my,  okay darling." I see mommy giggling to herself and keep walking.

Mommy sits and I set up all my studies to have tea with us. I run into the kitchen and get some apple juice from the fridge and sever it.

"Would you like some mommy?"

"I would love some little one, thank you".


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