Attention (Diane)

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Requested by someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

Prompt: y/n is super clingy recently and wanting their mommy's (Diane Sherman) attention.

Y/n's POV~~

"Psssttt mommy...mommy...mommy." I poke mommy's cheek and she still dosent wake up.

I shuffle closer to her and start to pinch her arm and still dosent wake up. "Mommmmmy" I whisper yell in her ear and still nothing.

I grab mommy's hand and place it in my mouth and start bitting it. I see her eyebrows frown and her eyes flutter.

In a groggy voice with her eyes still shut, "y/n baby, why are you chewing on me?"

"Mommy are you awake?" I sit up and look at her, she opens her eyes and yawns.

"I am now baby are you okay? Come here." I snuggle up to mommy. "Now what is it my sweet girl?"

The real reason I woke up mommy was because she stopped cuddling me and I missed her. "You snore mommy swo loud."

Mommy just laughs and kisses my head before rubbing circles on my back. "What is it really baby?"

"I mwisses you mommy"

"Oh baby I am right here, rest now I am not going anywhere." I snuggle into mommy and close my eyes.


I wake up and snuggle into to mommy only to realize it's teddy. I sit up and scan the room for mommy, I can't see her but the bathroom door is closed.

I sit up and wrap myself in the blanket before going to the bathroom door and knocking. "Mommy?"

"Hold on little one mommy's almost done." I huff and open the door seeing mommy washing her hands, I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her so she's in the blankee too.

She pets my head, "I was just going to the bathroom baby, everything okay." I just nod my head still clinging to her.

"Let's get you all cleaned up and dressed baby." Mommy helps me to the potty and get dressed putting my hair in a French braid.

We go downstairs and mommy makes me breakfast sitting across from me. I huff and cross my arms and mommy lifts her head to look at me, "something wrong little one?"

I nod my head yes, "want to tell me so I can help baby?"

"I don't like this seat." Mommy giggles and stands up walking over to me cupping my cheeks.

"What's wrong with your seat honey?" I shrug my shoulders and crawl particularly on the table grabbing mommy's food and placing it at the spot next to mine.

"Would it make it better if mommy sat here?" I smile really wide and nod yes.

Once we finish breakfast mommy cleans the table and grabs my colouring stuff setting it in front of me and I look up at her confused.

"Why hwere mommy?"

"I have some grading to do and I have a feeling you want to stay with me, once I am done we can go play in the garden okay."

"Can we pway now?"

"Mommy has to work baby". I sigh but listen anyways, the last thing I need is to be punished with no cuddles for misbehaving. That's the worsest thing ever!

Mommy sits beside me doing teacher stuff, as I am colouring I messed up and I can't erase it I start to get upset.

Diane's POV~~~

I hear my little angel breathing heavily out her nostrils, I then see her start to colour aggressively. I bring my free hand to her back and draw shapes on it trying to sooth her.

I notice her drop her shoulders but still seems quite bothered, "honey are you okay?"

"I ruined it! I cwan't even fix it Ugh! Colouring is stupid mommy!" I look at her and quirk my eyebrow up.

"Sworry I said bad word." I kiss her head pull her onto my lap.

"It's okay baby, why don't you take a break from colouring Hmm, how about you grab one of your toys." Y/n wraps her arms around my waist and burrows her head into my shoulder and neck.

"I stay here pwease." I kiss her head and rub my hand up and down her back looking over her shoulder to do my work.

"Of course honey." I continue to work and after about 10 minutes of having my baby in my lap I hear soft snores.

I still have about 20 more minutes of work ahead of me but y/n starts to whine in her sleep suckling on my shoulder. I can't get up and get her paci and she starts to softly cry.

I stop rubbing her back and put my knuckle between her lips and she latches and settles so I can finish up and spend some time with her where she's not asleep.

Y/n POV~~

"Y/n baby...*kiss*...sweet girl...*kiss*...come on princess...*kiss*" I snuggle more into mommy.


"Hello baby come on let's get up and go play outside." I shake my head no and pull on her tighter.

"I thought you wanted to play today, I am all done so the rest of the day you have all my attention." My eyes light up and I pull away to look her.

"Can we make bwrownie bwatter and watch Disney cuddling!?" Mommy laughs and lifts me up placing me on the kitchen counter.

"Of course baby".

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