Bath time (Billie Dean Howard)

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Requested by someone who wishes to remain anonymous...

The prompt: y/n and Billie start their night times routine and Billie gives y/n a bath. Just lots of fluff and love please!

Short one! I apologize ❤️❤️
Also thank you for 10k reads 🥳

Y/N POV~~~

I sigh and huff after finally finishing the long day,  I fall back onto the bed and close my eyes to take a moment.

The day was spent full of big girl y/n things, I thankfully had Billie with me the whole time now I was absolutely exhausted.

I hear giggling from the door way and I lift my head to see Billie leaning against it giggling at me.

"Whatttttt?" I whine and she starts walking asking towards me.

"Nothing can't I appreciate how beautiful my baby girl is?" Billie laughs falling onto the bed beside me making me laugh. "How are you feeling after our long busy day?"

"Happy, but tired. Happy that everything surrounding our new home is almost complete. We are almost able to move in, I can't wait to have a home with you." Billie hums in agreement kissing my head.

"Well the stress is almost over, a few more minor details regarding the bathrooms and painting. We are so close love, then we can rest." I whine.

"I wanna rest now though." I pout crossing my arms feeling myself start to slip.

A combination of being tired from the busy day, and laying in our soft bed. I just started to feel so comfortable and content. I stretch a bit yawning and then it hit me that I needed to potty.

It was like the bed completely swallowed me up and held me hostage and who am I to go against it. I started to look around  and felt that I have almost completely slipped into little space.

I see mama out of the corner of my eye smiling in my direction. "Mama..." I say pointing at the outside.

"Yes baby it's getting late, do you know what that means baby?" I huff rolling my head to keep looking around and avoid the topic mama wants to bring up.

I started to feel pressure in my tummy and I start to focus on making it better.

I frowned my eye brows and started grunting, "hey hey hey missy come with mama you have nothing on baby girl. If you go potty you will get messy love."

I ignore mama trying to focus at the matter at hand. I keep trying to fix it because it's really bugging me.

"I love you baby doll, so much, but it's unfortunately that time baby." Billie says as she leaves to set up the bathroom.

I whine hiding my face into the blanket, once I notice I am out of sight I lay onto my back again trying to go and just hearing little toots causing me to giggle.

I lay starring at the ceiling upset that mama walked away and completely forgot on trying to potty I just wanted mama.

I see the light coming from the bathroom door and sit up starting to call for mommy.

"Mama mama mama y/n swad!!!" I flop backwards onto the bed.

I lay kicking my feet sucking on my hand trying to soothe myself before I become to upset, "I am here baby it's okay. I got you love."

Mommy picks me up and I lay my head against her shoulder. I felt comfortable and content here, I begin to relax myself feeling my body getting heavy.

I close my eyes nuzzling closer to mama sucking on my hand. I feel mama move my hand and I grunt in disprovel, I then feel smooth rubbing against my lips.

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