Bad words (Ally)

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Requested by @beep_bepp

Prompt: Ally's on a phone call and swears y/n hears it and repeats.

Y/n POV~~~

I am sitting between mommy's legs as she dose my hair, I have my knees pulled up against my upper body so I can paint my toe nails. Mommy doesn't like it when I do it but she put down some paper so I wouldn't make a mess and the agreement is she gets to fix them when I finish my master piece.

Mommy finished brushing my hair and putting the good smelly goo in it, she reached for the purple scrunches and placed them around her wrist.

*ring tone*...

"Hello...hi Julie is something wrong?" It was one of mommy's team members for her campaign boring. Mommy gets up and goes over to kitchen to talk, i decided to get up carefully not to drag coloured polish around with me. I was being sneaky, I leaned against the wall in the living room and listened to her.

"Shit well...god Fucken damn it! His ass is so fired when I get in tomorrow." I have to slap my hand over my mouth to stop myself from giggling. Mommy said so many bad words, she never uses them with me around me it was odd to hear.

"Okay well have a good night I'll stop by tomorrow consider his ass gone, motherfucker had it coming anyways." Poop poop poop! I run back to the living room and sit on the floor trying to look as casual as possible.

Ally's POV~~~

As I end the call I hear lots of noise coming from the living room, I slightly jog worried y/n was into something that could be harmful. "Baby?

I see y/n slightly panting legs up on the couch admiring her messy paint job. "Hi mommmy, look! I am almowst dwone!" She grins ear to ear.

"Yess I see that darling they look beautiful! You okay sweetheart, sit up I think you've been upside down too long." She throws her legs off the couch and I sit down getting back to doing her hair while she finished painting them.

I notice her starting to huff and irritable grunts and next thing I know, "oh fwuck!" I stop in my tracks wide eyed did she just?

"Y/n, look at mommy what did you say!?"

She throws her head back and looks at me for a second before rolling her eyes and looking back at the floor.

Little shit she did say it, "Y/n, look at mommy." I told in a warning tone.

She turns and her eyes stare at me, "I fwucked it up it lwooks like shit now mommy." She referencing to her nails but I am way to preoccupied trying to comprehend wtf just came out of her mouth.

"Hey you do not use that type of
language little miss or there will be repercussions, if you are upset tell mommy using nice words and I can help okay now what happened,"

"I twold you mommy I fwucked it up."  She throws her hands up in frustration slamming them down on either side of her hitting the floor.

"Enough with the language  y/n it's inappropriate!"

"But you say it."

"Mommy dosent use those words honey I don't even know where you got those from." Then it hit me the phone call...shit.

"You just did you were all like, 'well swhit fwuck asswhole poo poo and stuff' so why I can't I too that not fair." Frustration tears pricked my little ones eyes. "I don't understand why I am getting in twouble, you say it too!"

"Come here baby." I pull y/n up into my lap she reluctantly accepted and burrows into my chest, "first off your not in trouble, mommy should have been more mindful." She snuggles into me and I kiss the top of her head. "Second off I don't what to hear you use those words again or there will be consequences okay sweetheart."

"Okay but can I awsk a quwestion first?" I lift her chin so she is looking at me and I nod signaling to continue. "What dwose those words mwean mommy?"

I hum and bring her head back to my chest and rock her a bit, "well those words have many meaning, none really being appropriate. Mommy will explain to you later if you are a good girl for the rest of the day, no more potty mouth from you missy."

She lifts her head a giggles, "pwotty mouth, you have a potty mouth too mommy." She laughs and I smile and kiss her head.

"I guess you are right, mommy has a potty mouth sometimes too. Now sweetheart, what got you so upset can mommy help?"

"I fwu- I mean mwessed up my nails, can you help me fwix them mommy?" I raised my eyebrows at her as she started her sentence but my face quickly relaxed once she corrected herself.

"Let mommy finish your hair then we can do that okay honey."

"Owkay mommy." She grins ear to ear and kisses my cheek before plopping back onto the floor. I start to finish up her hair and she sucks her thumb while waiting for me to finish.

I definitely need to be more careful with my words and keep my ears open for the next little bit.

I have a few requests lined up so I will be updating more soon! Feel free to dm me with requests or correcting me on any topic :)

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