A little bumble bee (Bette + Dot)

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Prompt: Bette and Dot find out y/n is a little.

Bette's POV~~~

"Hey y/n wait up! We were wondering if you wanted to come watch the meteor shower with Dot and I? It will be fun!" This is our attempt to try and ask y/n on a date.

She joined the show a couple months ago and we knew she was special.

We have been spending so much time with her when we can. She doesn't usually hang out in the evenings though, she even told Elsa she can only preform during the day.

We never really understood why and never questioned it. Recently though we spent the whole day together and there's moments where y/n will act a little different before she abruptly will leave.

Nothing too dramatic I just maybe she's tried, Dot thinks it's something else. She will stumble on her words, she will get super close or cuddly and her emotions become stronger and more expressive.

But as soon as y/n catches herself doing these things she completely stiffens and then leaves as soon a possible.

She would tell us she's tired, not feeling well, had to go to the bathroom, needs to rehearse by herself or work on things?

"Um sorry I kinda sweeepy...tired I mean." She kept walking to her trailer.

"That's okay we don't mind if you fall asleep, we have some blankets and pillows set up on the grass."  She turned to face us and her cheeks were bright red.

"Um I am nervous about the bugs maybe next time."

"We will protect you bumble bee! You don't need to worry. We also lit the repellent candles so there none in sight" I said before Dot cut in.

"Yea I can wrap you in our blankets and hold you close, no bugs can get you I'll make them go away." She smiled. Dot was very fond of y/n she had a soft spot for her. Even tho she would never admit it, her hearts owned by little miss y/n.

"I promise it will all be alright bumble bee" I smiled.


Bumble bee, I have such a love hate relationship with that nickname. I love hearing them say it in fact it makes me feel comfortable. But that there's the problem.

I am becoming so comfortable and love spending time with the twins that I have almost let myself slip in front of them.

It's the hardest to control in the evening which is why I try to avoid them as much as possible. They just make me feel so safe happy and comfortable.

"Thanks girl really but I'm it's late and I have to be up early and um-" I went to walk away again but one on the girls placed there hand on my shoulder.

"Well we can't force you but at least let us say goodnight bumble bee." I turn to see it was Bette.

I nodded yes and let them pull me into a hug. God this was not helping!

Don't get me wrong I adore them and there hugs but again that's the problem. I love them so much I don't want to scare them away.

If they found out they would hate me, the wouldn't want me to be there bumble bee anymore. I can't lose them, and I won't I refuse.

Bette's arm is wrapped around my back, she's lightly scratching it up and down. Dots arms is around my waist keeping me close to them and holding me up.

I can feel myself melting, I just wanna be here forever! I love how they smell too. Over the past few months it's become so familiar and comforting to me.

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