Meanie (Cordelia)

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⚠️It has some bad words in it (like a's Madison)

Y/n's POV ~~~

"Shut up Madison you have no idea what you are talking about." There goes Zoe and Maddison again always fighting.

I hate fighting, I can't be around it. I try to mask how it effects me but it's always hard when people begin to raise there voices even if it's not even towards me.

"Oh please we all know she's sleeps around, I mean how else would you explain it." Madison such a meanie...who are they even talking about we all know Maddison just projects on other people. No one deserves it though, she's just so mean.

I reach the end of the stairs to see Zoey and Maddison on on couch and Nan on the chair just reading. I then she Nan giggling looking up at me.

"I agree y/n, she's a bitch." My eyes widen and I look up towards Maddison, she looks like she is about to drop a second stag light.

"I-I never said that! No I didn't." Omg no no no! I start shaking my head.

"You have some nerve bitch, you can't just mind your own business can you!"

"Maddison calm down! You are being I bitch-"

I cut off Zoe, "I never said that I promise! I-I just think maybe you can be mean sometimes."

I use my of my hands to hold and squeeze my upper arm, it's okay it's okay.

"Awh look the little baby bitch is crying now? You going to go find your mommy baby bitch? Cry louder so maybe she'll come and get you!"

"Maddison stop!" Now Zoe is yelling too, oh nos, I can't stop crying. I need my mama, but Maddison going to be more mean.

I plug my ears bringing my knees to my chest, burring my face into my knees still sitting in the corner of the couch.

"What is going on in here?!" I hear mama in the doorway but I am to scared to look up.

"Oh look Corey came to save her little kiss ass student and bitch baby. I can't with you Fucken bitches!"

"That is enough from you Madison!"

"What you going to do huh? Kick me out please do! Only reason why I am at this shot hole of a coven is because I have to be!"

"You are on thin ice Madison, go up to your room, I will not be as generous and ask again."

"You stupid bitch, you can't do anything if I say no? You going to call your mommy too and cry!"

"DONT TALK TO HER LIKE THAT!" I yell breaking from panic mode into furry!

No one talks to mama like that!

"Y/n honey sit down and breathe please, Madison upstairs and zoe my office!"

"Oh shut up! Get off your high horse Cordy, fuck I need a cigarette I can't handle you guys!"

"Madison-" zoe went to talk

Madison flips off mama and Zoe, "YOU ARE A MEANIE!"

"Awh look at you using your big words, good job dipshit!" That's it! I snapped!

I yell, throwing Madison back against the wall. She smacks it beofre getting back up.

"Two can play that bitch!" Madison goes to raise her hand and mama stands between us.

Mama looked directly into Madison's eyes, "sleep." Madison falls forward and mama catches her before laying her lightly onto the ground.

She gets back up and looks at me, her face softens and she come up to me.

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